LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
A.G. Gonzales in Chicago Tuesday
Gonzales is supposed to be at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse (219 S. Dearborn) at 1:15 p.m. for a project discussion and a press conference after.
Attorney general coming here, expects questions
By Jeff Coen
Tribune staff reporter
Published March 26, 2007, 5:28 PM CDT
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is likely to face questions about the allegedly mediocre status of U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald when he arrives here Tuesday for a scheduled round table discussion and press conference.
Gonzales is supposed to be at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse to discuss the "Project Safe Childhood" campaign designed to protect kids from online predators. But he's likely to be asked to field inquiries about Fitzgerald being ranked as undistinguished on a chart sent to the White House from the Justice Department in 2005, as well as the controversial fall firings of a group of U.S. attorneys.
Gonzales is to appear for a round table discussion of the project with Fitzgerald and Ernie Allen, President and CEO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
The mediocre rating has been the subject of much joking among prosecutors, federal agents, defense lawyers and the press in the city, and especially at the building where Fitzgerald has earned accolades for sweeping public corruption investigations.
Fitzgerald finally spoke out about the situation last week as his office was announcing yet another indictment against a one-time City Hall heavyweight.
After discussing the new charges against Al Sanchez, a former top aide to Mayor Richard Daley, Fitzgerald said he simply goes to work everyday concerned about doing his job. When he thinks about the rating, he said, it's only because a friend is teasing him about it again.
"There's no way I'm putting one toe in that pool and not going head-first," Fitzgerald said, trying to brush off questions, "so I'm just keeping the toe out of the pool and just not going there."
Fitzgerald was still fresh from his stint in Washington where he led the investigation into the leaking of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame, and the prosecution for perjury of Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney.
Gonzales's trip will come as he faces mounting pressure over the firings last fall of eight federal prosecutors. He has received support from President Bush, but a growing group in Congress has called for him to step down.
Questions about Gonzales's credibility have grown sharper since March 13, when he denied taking part in discussions about the firings which some allege were politically motivated. Documents later showed Gonzales was in meetings on the topic and approved the moves.
The Justice Department announced the visit by Gonzales on Monday. He is to appear for the project discussion at 1:15 p.m., with the press briefing to follow.
In trips to Chicago in 2005 and 2006, Gonzales said Fitzgerald had his full support.