LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Defend NEIU Counter-recruiters!
SHOW YOUR SUPPORT this week for two Northeastern Illinois University students who were arrested and abused for protesting the torture, murder, kidnapping, and subversion of democracy carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Press Conference:
Wednesday, March 28, 2007--10am
NEIU campus Village Square
5500 N. St. Louis
Court Date:
Wednesday, March 28--1:30 pm
555 W Harrison
On February 28, 2007 seven student activists attempted to enact a non-violent protest of a school sponsored meeting with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Two students, Ken Barrios and Matt Larson, were unjustly arrested and brutalized by NEIU campus police for the crime of participating in a legal demonstration against the CIA. The two students have been erroneously charged with two misdemeanors stemming from the protest.
“I am disappointed in the administration’s harsh response to students practicing their right to free speech as well as their lack of support for the student body,” Chris Poulos, President of NEIU Students Against War.
We are imploring the University to drop the bogus charges against the two NEIU students. We are imploring the University to respect the rights of students to engage in lawful and permitted demonstrations on the NEIU campus.
**Brett C. Stockdill Ph.D. is an associate professor of the Sociology department at NEIU
**Terry Schuepfer is a professor of Psychology as well as the President of UPI-NEIU
**Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is the president of NEIU’s Socialist club
**Chris Poulos is the president of NEIU Students Against War
**Victor Ortiz is Assistant Professor and Director, Latino and Latin American Studies Program
**Spokesperson from Voices for Creative Nonviolence
We are demanding that the administration drop all charges against the students Matt Larson and Ken Barrios. We demand that the administration support its students and their rights to free speech on campus.
For more information, please contact Adam Norden: (312) 209-9851