Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: International Relations

Venezulan-American lawyer and author Eva Golinger in Chicago, May 8-10

Dear friends from the academic and media community, I am happy to announce that attorney Eva Golinger will be visiting Chicago on May.
She has been invited by the Center for Latino Research of DePaul University to present her new book on Tuesday 9th. She will be available for interviews or presentations on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th (morning and noon time) and possible - not for sure - Wednesday the 10th.

Eva Golinger is the author of best-selling books, "The Chavez Code" (2005) and "Bush vs. Chavez: Washington's War on Venezuela" (2006). This Venezuelan-American attorney has been investigating and analyzing US intervention in Venezuela in the past 6 years. A detail account of
the information found through recently declassified documents can be seen in her website

She has been interviewed by BBC, CNN, PBS, Swedish, French and Greek television. She has also written several articles for newspapers,
appears weekly on a Venezuelan radio program, and has contributed with various documentaries on Venezuela. Ms. Golinger, a native New Yorker, practices international human rights law and has also worked with the distinguished International Women's Human Rights Clinic at CUNY Law School.

Here some more background info of her work:

Please let us know if you are interested in hosting a presentation for Eva in your campuses. Please send me your ideas with the proposed time
and we will do our best to accommodate all of them. Thank you in advanced for all you interest in this matter. Don't hesitate to contact me for further questions.

Omar Sierra
Deputy Consul
Consulate of Venezuela in Chicago



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