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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: International Relations

Public Forum in Pilsen - WHY IS THE U.S. TARGETING IRAN?

Beyond the racism and lies.................

Join us for a special ISO forum Thursday March 29th, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.
Location: Decima Musa, 1901 S. Loomis, Chicago, IL
Featuring: SAMAN SEPEHRI, activist and frequent contributor to the International Socialist Review. His past articles include "The Geopolitics of Oil", "Targeting Iran", and "Iran at the Crossroads".

The Bush administration has ratcheted up the pressure on Iran significantly. They have accused Iran of providing "Iraq's deadliest bombs" and other arms to Shiite militias - in claims are all too reminiscent of the lies told to justify attacking Iraq. This new line of propaganda seems to be laying the groundwork for military action as
the U.S. has sent two new carrier groups to the Persian Gulf.
Politicians have stepped up their racist anti-Islamic rhetoric - while the U.S. is stoking sectarian divisions across the Middle East. What
lies behind the lies and the racism? Why is the U.S. really targeting Iran? Why, with U.S. imperialism facing a crisis in Iraq and a growing
quagmire in Afghanistan, are politicians laying the groundwork for yetanother war?

Where: Decima Musa, 1901 S. Loomis, Chicaho, IL
Thrusday March 29, 2007 at 7:00 PM



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