LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development
"Cities of the Future" focus for 3rd Annual Richard J. Daley Forum at UIC
The 2007 Richard J. Daley Urban Forum: “Building the Future City”
The third annual Richard J. Daley Urban Forum will bring together mayors from around the world, business leaders, key policy-makers, leading scholars and commentators to examine how the cities of the future will be built. The Forum will be held at the University of Illinois at Chicago on May 2, 2007 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Illinois Room at Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted St.
DaleyForumCalendarItem.pdf (93 k)
Speakers will examine the roles that major infrastructure projects will play in developing and sustaining future cities. They will discuss how these projects can be financed, their impact on the environment, and their ultimate costs and benefits. They also will discuss how cities should deal with decaying infrastructure that cannot be renewed, and examine how decisions made now will affect the future economic and social vitality of a city and the lives of its citizens. Robert E. Rubin, former Secretary of the United States Treasury, will deliver the keynote address.
Forum tickets cost $25 and include a continental breakfast, lunch and parking. UIC faculty, staff and students, as well as students from other colleges and universities, will receive complimentary admission. To register, or receive more information, please visit