Review :: Peace
CNN does hours on Anna Nicole & 60 secs on Anti-War Protests!
Obviously CNN believes,by the allotment of its broadcast resources,that the demise of Anna Nicole Smith is the more important and newsworthy story!
CNN has dedicated many hours of its broadcast time in the last month (especially Larry King Live) to Anna Nicole Smith's demise.Alternatively CNN (which bills itself as the "most trusted news site) only devoted short 30 and 60 second pieces of its broadcast to (watered down) video clips of the massive Anti-War Protest Marches happening throughout the USA and the world! These protest marches were about condemning the Bush Govt. over its Iraq War that has precipitated the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians.Obviously CNN believes,by the allotment of its broadcast resources,that the demise of Anna Nicole Smith is the more important and newsworthy story!