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Another Report from DC

Eyewitness Account of DC 3/17/07
I got off the Metro at the Triangle stop. On the ride in. I met a woman, Katy from Eire, PA with two sons, Isaac and Sam by name, one in Sadr City and the other in Afghanistan. Isaac was the driver of Cheney’s car when they got close with a bomb a couple months ago. She was with a Pax Christi type group and she told me about the 100 or so peaceniks arrested at the White House the night before. They were organized to have 3200 candlelit marchers or so (the exact number of “official” military American dead), but a big snowstorm on the East Coast slowed everything down. Instead, about 800 folks, all intending on being arrested, marched 4 miles through the snow to present themselves. The cops waited them out with the lousy weather, it sending many to safety after a while. Around 2am, I believe she said, they threw the zip ties on them and hauled them away.

At the rally there was a sizable “Pro-American” presence. Until 10 am or so, it was also a quite intimidating bunch. When anti-war protesters started to show up eventually RedWhiteandBlue were outnumbered by 50-1 and they turned into cartoons. My impressions are 1) who paid for transporting these Bikers Without Bikes, OR they are getting better organized. (See You In The Streets!) 2) There is a segment of Viet Nam veterans that seemed to have morphed into a Death Cult. Along with their motorcycle paraphenalia of skulls, Iron Crosses, etc, they do enjoy talking about killing – the more gory the better. Any discussion of war ends with their argument “kill them all”, which may include me and my antiwar button. 3) Because their names are NOT on The Wall, they are defeated. Weird. 4) While there to preserve their view of American Values, when a mother of a dead soldier, whether Cindy Sheehan or another, was speaking, they were across the street shrieking and cursing. Of course, the anti-war crowd accorded these women full respect. The contrast was frightening. Some of the most vile and hateful faces I ever encountered I viscerally internalized watching from 40 feet away. They celebrate death and care less for the living outside of their own personal loved ones, it seems, and even then I may be giving them too much credit.

Conditions were very unfavorable. The wind coming off the river while we were crossing the bridge was brutal. An estimate of 25-30,000 would be a fair guess. On the road to the Pentagon, marching peaceably, was it really necessary to have helicopters passing overhead at tree top level? Very intimidating, also, but a sliver of the terror many around the world experience with catastrophic results. Not many were down with standing in a parking lot and hearing speeches they agree to, so it broke up quickly, people seeking protection.

To watch a protest crowd is a study on the depth of political discussion in this country, and I have to admit IMO, some of it is pretty shallow. People from both sides think still Osama did it. There still seems to be this fascination of making W into the devil, like he personally is the problem. Six years into this it’s not cute anymore. It’s sad. There is still a big sexual innuendo presence, any phrase that has to do with Bush and Dick will do. There was a contingent with ponchos when arms out read “Cluster Fuck Accomplished”. I did like that. Humor certainly has its’ place and I wouldn’t try to dampen it, it just amazes me how some people still laugh at this stale material concerning genitalia. There were many large poster sized photos of the child victims of Depleted Uranium and the effects of bombing. I feel these are an effective ultra-serious messages. Maybe superimposing pink, white American heads would be even more effective.

I saw some Democratic Party buttons, but not many. It was my impression that this crowd was quite fed up with their elected segment of the ruling class. On this level it is becoming apparent that some longtime stalwarts are seeing through the charade of Hilary Obama concerning this war and its’ cost. Almost every speaker I heard lambasted them, though many still held positions of replacing them, not eradicating them. The system still works, just needs tweaking they seem to be saying. Personally, not so sure.

If I may draw some conclusions from this protest and the upcoming March 20 Tuesday night march down Michigan Avenue;

1) If weather permits, come early leave late.
2) There is a darker, more menacing reactionary front forming. Assume they will be present. Be aware and prepare.
3) War is serious. Ratchet up your own personal seriousness of commitment against it.
4) Be joyful the hacks will not be present Accept the challenge we must end it ourselves.



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