The 2007 Great Lakes Anarchist Gathering in Toledo, Ohio is now just one month away, and so far it is looking like an excellent opportunity for anarchists from the region to share ideas, learn new skills, and have a great time.
The 2007 Great Lakes Anarchist Gathering in Toledo, Ohio is now just one month away, and so far it is looking like an excellent opportunity for anarchists from the region to share ideas, learn new skills, and have a great time. The convergence will take place April 14th and 15th, and those coming from out of town are welcome to meet up with us on the night of the 13th.
Local organizers including the October Fifteenth Anarchist Collective, the type A collective, and Toledo Food Not Bombs are working hard to ensure an enjoyable and safe event for all who attend. Sleeping accomodations and some food will be provided, though bringing extra supplies such as blankets, pillows, tents, and food is a good idea and will help avoid shortages of those things.
Confirmed guests so far include Fifth Estate Magazine, John Zerzan (Running on Emptiness, Green Anarchy), Kevin Tucker (Species Traitor), Chicago Anarchist Black Cross, author Mike Ferner (Inside the Red Zone), and more.
Confirmed workshops and presentations cover things like regional coordination, community reclamation and gardening, hand-to-hand combat, third world solidarity, prisoner support, communications, talks with John Zerzan and Kevin Tucker, the upcoming RNC, and more. Anyone wishing to organize a presentation or workshop is welcome to do so.
The exact location and meet-up spots will be released sometime in the next week or so to ensure security. There is still a month to go, so please continue providing us with input and suggestions. See you all next month!
See for updates, or contact us at
typea (at)