Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

SDS Contingent March 17 at the Pentagon

Saturday, March 17, 2007
11:00am - 5:00pm
Lincoln Memorial
23rd Ave and Consitution
Washington, DC
The Students for a Democratic Society contingent will meet at the Lincoln Memorial (one block south of the march assembly area at 23rd St NW and Constitution). We will gather at 11am, then join the march on the Pentagon at 12:30pm. We are calling on SDSers to wear black armbands, to symbolize our mourning and outrage; carry Iraqi and Palestinian flags, to show our solidarity with the Arab people's resistance to U.S. imperialism; and bring banners for SDS and local chapters, to show our numbers and collective strength.

No Justice, No Peace!
U.S. Out of Iraq Now!

Yours in struggle,

The SDS March 17 Organizing Team ( m17.sds at

1. University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa SDS
2. University Illinois at Chicago SDS
3. UNC-Asheville SDS
4. George Mason University SDS
5. Columbus/Ohio State University SDS
6. Athens SDS
7. UNC-Chapel Hill SDS
8. Bergen County NJ SDS
9. Philadelphia SDS
10. UNC-Charlotte SDS
11. University of Mary Washington SDS
12. William and Mary SDS

(If your chapter would like to sign on to this call, do press work, help develop literature, or otherwise be involved in organizing the contingent, please contact us soon!)



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