Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

3/23: Show Your Support for Military Resister Kyle Snyder

Fundraiser for military resister Kyle Snyder
7 PM -- Friday, March 23rd
Acme Art Works, 1741 N. Western Avenue
(just south of the "Western" stop of the Blue Line el)

** Introduction and Informal speak-out of the newly-formed Chicago chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War

** Video shorts of Kyle and fellow war resisters

** Discussion with members from Iraq Veterans Against the War and Vietnam Veterans Against the War

** Food and drinks, feel free to bring something to share

$10 donation at door (no-one will be turned away)

Kyle Snyder with his attorney, Jim Fennerty of the National Lawyers Guild.

"Thank you all so much, it means a lot to me to know that I am not alone." ~ Kyle Snyder

Sponsored by: Chicago chapters of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War and Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism

Read more about Kyle's struggle against the military and activism against the war at:



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