LOCAL News :: Protest Activity
Chicago radicals will barricade war machine in Pittsburgh
CHICAGO radicals among those Barricading the War Machine in Pittsburgh!
Boom! Boom! BAMF! Statement
Over the last four years citizens of this country have sat idly by as our government has waged war on an innocent people, resulting in nearly 700,000 deaths.
We have seen propaganda aimed at demonizing entire cultures, religions, races, occupations, sexual identities, and political beliefs. We have been imprisoned for months and years on end by repressive state structures aiming at their own self-preservation. We have been beaten, brutalized, and even murdered in the streets. Today we say, “Enough!”
Petitioning, lobbying, permitted marches around empty buildings, and catering to elected officials has done nothing but allow the Government to continue its killing spree, while giving the American People the illusion that we have the freedom to affect decision making policy if we are polite in our demands. We have reached a point in history when physically interfering with the war machine is the only way to stop an endless slaughter. The people must derail the development of weapons that dehumanize war, leading only to more senseless death. Americans are obligated to blockade weapons convoys and refuse to allow their ports to be used in the shipment of bombs to Iraq. It is time to escalate our tactics.
Tomorrow, the target is the National Robotic Engineering Center, which is responsible for the development of robotic technology used by the United States Military in the killing fields of Iraq. We will confront the scientists, students, and federal employees who each day sit at their desks designing high tech ways to murder people. Each day these people put their own personal profit before the lives of others. But unlike every other morning, tomorrow morning business will be brought to a standstill, and the war machine will suffer the first scrape in a series of crippling blows that will one day dismantle it.
We are taught that to make change we have to talk and mediate our demands through politicians, but we cannot be represented. We are relegated to the role of political commodities, votes that can be bought and sold, but not active participants in our own unique lives. It is far past time to start to take control of our lives, to create the world the way we want to see it. No politicians are welcome in this fight. We have decided that there is no way to end this war and global exploitation except by taking our lives and streets back.
Two hundred twenty five years of crooked politicians is enough and after fifteen long years of bombing, invading, and occupying Iraq it is time that the war is brought home. Let it be known March 2nd, 2007 is the beginning of the end for America’s brutal war machine.
Barricade the War Machine!!!
Boom! Boom! BAMF!
an affinity group of out of town activists from Cleveland, Chicago, Athens, and Baltimore