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March on Pentagon is Fast Approaching

Update on Mobilization for the March 17th march on the Pentagon
On March 17, 2007, the 4th anniversary of the start of the criminal invasion of Iraq, tens of thousands of people from around the country will descend on the Pentagon in a mass demonstration to demand: U.S. Out of Iraq Now!
Everyday more and more people are joining the mobilization and important victories are being won.

1) Free Speech Victory! Pentagon March Route is Now
2) Pro-impeachment organizations uniting for Pentagon
3) Speakers list for the March on Pentagon


1) Pentagon March Route is Now Set

The Free Speech battle with the State of Virginia has been won! The attempt to obstruct the demonstration has collapsed. More than 2,000 people sent letters to the Virginia Attorney General and people everywhere expressed their outrage that Virginia would attempt to create barriers preventing demonstrators from marching to the Pentagon. This could not have happened without everyone's participation. This combined political and
legal challenge, waged with the assistance of the Partnership for Civil Justice, made all the difference. Legal and security issues have been dealt with to ensure a safe and secure march for the participation of the whole family.

Click to see more logistical information for the March
on the Pentagon:

Pro-Impeachment Organizations Uniting for the March on the Pentagon

At a meeting of a new coalition of a large number of organizations that are supporting impeachment, held in New York City on February 17, it was decided to mobilize for the March on the Pentagon on March 17 to demand, "End the War and Impeach Bush Now!" The coalition of organizations that have united in this effort is called Impeach07.

The members of Impeach07 are:
- After Downing Street
- Backbone Campaign
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- Citizens Impeachment Commission
- CODE PINK Women for Peace
- Constitution Summer
- Consumers for Peace
- Democracy Rising
- Gold Star Families for Peace
- Green Party of the United States
- Hip Hop Caucus
- Impeach the President
- Military Free Zone
- National Lawyers Guild
- Patriotic Response to Renegade Govt
- Progressive Democrats of America
- Independent Progressive Politics Network
- Velvet Revolution
- World Can't Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime

The breadth of support for the March on the Pentagon is reflected in the 1500 endorsers, including national and local organizations, that are supporting and mobilizing to come to Washington, DC. The lead contingent of the demonstration will include thousands of Iraq war veterans, soldiers' families, and other veterans.


The March on the Pentagon speakers list includes:

• Malik Rahim, Founder of Common Ground Collective
• Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace
• Howard Zinn, Author, A People's History of the United States
• Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General
• Melida and Carlos Arrendando, whose son and stepson was killed in Iraq
• Congressman John Lewis (Georgia)
• Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
• Mounzer Sleiman, TV commentator & Vice Chair, National Council of Arab American
• Leonard Weinglass, Civil Rights Attorney
• Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, National Lawyers Guild
• Jonathan W. Hutto Sr., Navy Petty Office Third Class, Co-Founder Appeal for Redress
• Liam Madden, Former Sgt. USMC, Appeal for Redress, Bellows Falls, VT
• Anita Dennis, Organizer with Courage to Resist, Military Families Speak Out member
• Helga P. Aguayo, Wife of Conscientious Objector Agustín Aguayo
- Debra Sweet, National Coordinator, World Can't Wait
- Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition


Student groups, religious organizations, many impeachment organizations, and others are actively building for this demonstration.

Click to see the list of transportation centers:

If you are organizing transportation from your area for the demonstration and haven't contacted the national office to be listed as a transportation center, please do so right away:

We receive hundreds of calls every day from people seeking information on transportation from their area to Washington - be sure that you are listed so that
they can travel with you! We also have organizing packets available with colorful flyers, stickers and posters that you can get by calling the National Office at 202-544-3389.



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