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LOCAL Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Eleven run-offs to oust the Daley Machine

please be polite! run-offs April 17
Well, with the election over, almost or exactly a dozen wards will see aldermanic run-off elections. Though talk of elections is generally repudiated here and other posts on the aldermen have been re-buffed, I figured I would continue the conversation. And I am in the camp that some others are in- that aldermanic elections are far and away more useful for radicals to pay attention to than state and national elections.

In this case, one of the biggest issues to pay attention to is the uncertain election. Will the final tally in the Pilsen/Chinatown polls pull that tool Danny Solis out of a run-off with progressive and leading opponent Cuauhtemoc Morfin? This is still the most uncertain race, and if Temoc Morfin were to take on and then beat Solis in a head-to-head battle, it could mean a lot for the anti-gentrification movement in Pilsen and for other progressive groups in the 25th ward.

In those races which will definitely be run-offs, former ACORN leader Toni Foulkes is running on the South Side, and the Congress Hotel strikers want Haithcock out of their ward for her anti-union votes and policies. Other anti-union candidates like Dorothy Tillman and Daley-drone Howard Brookins Jr. have shots at losing their spots. Daley stooges like Ted Matlak, Vi Daley, and Berny Stone could be taken out by genuine independent progressives. And say what you will of Alderman Joe Moore, but his last standing opponent is a conservative banker who would be a definite step down for Rogers Park.

Check out for more info on the races.

Ward- Candidates
2 Haithcock (i), Fioretti
3 Tillman (i), Dowell
15 Foulkes, Simmons-Stovall
16 Coleman (i), Thompson
18 Lane, Stewart
21 Brookins Jr. (i), Jones Jr.
24 Chandler, Dixon
32 Matlak (i), Waguespack
35 Colon (i), Colom
43 Daley (i), Smith
49 Moore (i), Gordon
50 Stone (i), Dolar



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