There is a growing movement for peace and global justice supported by the people of Chicago, the Midwest, the U.S. and the world. Unfortunately, the largest forces acting against this movement are institutions that hold political and economic power. Here in Chicago, the Boeing Company is the largest “private” blockade on the road to peace, as they reap profits off the War In Iraq and other international conflicts.
In November 2006, 80% of Chicagoans who went to the polls voted against the War in Iraq on a ballot initiative. It is absolutely unacceptable that in a city overwhelmingly against this war, we are forced to tolerate a war-profiteer in our neighborhood. Not only does our federal government fatten Boeing’s pockets with billion-dollar military contracts (over $18 billion in 2005 alone), our local and state governments have given them the red-carpet treatment, with over $50 million worth of direct gifts and tax breaks. We pay them to build bombs and attack helicopters and we pay their rent while they do it! It’s time we send a clear message to Boeing: Get Out of the War Business or Get Out of Chicago!
For years, the people of Chicago have resented Boeing’s attempts to militarize the world and profit off the “War on Terrorism.” Through campaign contributions, tax breaks and the revolving door between government and corporate positions, Boeing is clearly politically connected. As a result, they both influence and benefit from the policies of war. Is it any surprise that after receiving over $50 million worth of local and state tax benefits, Mayor Daley’s younger brother, Bill Daley sits on Boeing’s board of directors?
As concerned citizens of Chicago we feel it is important to publicly scrutinize and call to attention the bad behavior of one of our worst neighbors. In April, join us as we voice our discontent with Boeing’s role in our government and the war. Boeing brings shame to all the good people of Chicago and we are kicking them to the curb for all their bad behavior. Join us April 4th at Daley Plaza at 5:00 p.m., as we tell these fools that their time is up! We thank you ahead of time for your participation in this important event.
Please contact us if you'd like to get involved.
Committee to Kick Boeing to the Curb (CKBC)
KickBoeingtotheCurb (at)