An ad hoc coalition of 50+ organizations is organizing a protest on the 4th anniversary of the U.S. war on Iraq.
The protest will be on Tuesday, March 20th:
* Assemble & rally, 6 pm at the parking lot of Ogden Elementary School, 24 W. Walton Street, Chicago (just west of State Street).
* March on Michigan Avenue, 7:30 pm.
* Closing rally at Daley Plaza, 8:30 pm.
The main demands of the event are:
Stop Funding War and Occupation!
Troops Home Now!
To co-sponsor the protest, please send an email to
CCAWR (at) The next meeting of the coalition will be:
12 noon this Saturday, February 17
at the office of the 8th Day Center for Justice
205 W. Monroe, 5th floor (wheelchair accessible)
Due to security arrangements for the building, please arrive no earlier than 11:30 am and no later than 12:15 pm. If you absolutely must arrive later than 12:15 pm, you will need to phone someone already in the meeting in order to be let into the building.
Below is the current list of co-sponsors:
8th Day Center for Justice
African American Alliance For Peace & Justice
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice
ANSWER Chicago
Arab American Action Network
Call to Action / Chicagoland
Campus Anti-War Network
Chicago Area CodePINK
Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Chicago Labor Against the War
Chicago Socialist Party
Chicagoans Against War and Injustice
Chicagoland Coalition Opposed to the Militarization of Youth
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Committee Against Militarization of Youth
Communist Party
DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice
Dupage Peace Through Justice Coalition
Federation of Christian Ministries
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Gay Liberation Network
Grandmothers for Peace
Hammerhard Media Works
International Socialist Organization
International Solidarity Movement
Iraq Veterans Against the War
La Voz de los de Abajo
Labor Beat / Labor Express
League of Revolutionaries for a New America, Chicago / People’s Tribune
Military Families Speak Out
National Lawyers Guild Chicago Chapter
Near West Citizens for Peace & Justice
Neighbors for Peace
North Shore Coalition for Peace & Justice
North Suburban Peace Initiative
Northwest Indiana Coalition Against the Iraq War
Oak Park Coalition for Truth & Justice
Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation - Sisters of St. Joseph of La Grange
Palestine Solidarity Group
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Pax Christi – St Gertrudes
Peace Pledge
Southern Illinois Peace Coalition
Third Unitarian Social Action Committee
Veterans for Peace
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ
World Can't Wait