LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Civil & Human Rights : Gender & Sexuality : Prisons : Women's Issues
Intro to Pomegranate Panel: Sat 2/24
Saturday, February 24th from 1-3pm at Roosevelt
University, 430 S Michigan Ave - room 306
Have you heard of Pomegranate Health Collective, but never gotten involved? Here is your opportunity to find out what Pomegranate is really about, and give us your feedback on what you think Chicago needs in a health collective. Hear about our history, our beliefs, our style of organizing, and our plans from the future. We'd love to hear what you need, want or love. Also a great opportunity to meet some fellow Chicago activists and network. Whether you'd like to get involved in Pomegranate, or just want to know more about us , here's your opportunity to have your questions answered (and buy a few zines)!