Please come out to as many events as you can and help speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Saturday, February 10th
Anti-fur Outreach
Lyric Opera House (NW corner of Madison and Wacker)
Every winter, fur wearers head out for a night at the opera and display their "glamorous" fur coats to their peers; its time they learn the full story. Come out for a night at the opera with ADL Chicago to show the other half of fur and help spread the message that there isn't anything
glamorous about murdering 50,000,000 animals a year for nothing more then vanity and greed.
Tuesday, February 13th
Prisoner Writing Night
Mercury Cafe (1505 W. Chicago)
Come hang out with fellow activists for a night of prisoner support. Everything you need to start supporting animal liberation prisoners will
be provided - all you have to do is come out and write some letters! Remember, these people are in jail for fighting for the animals and mail is their only lifeline to the outside world, it is up to all of us to let them know that they are not forgotten.
Friday, February 16th
Anti-fur Outreach
Lyric Opera House (NW corner of Madison and Wacker)
Back to the opera for another chance to educate one of the fur industries target markets to the horrors of what really goes into a fur coat and let the fur wearers know exactly what you think of their fashion sense.
Saturday, February 24th
Anti Fur Demonstration
Burberry (633 N. Michigan)
Come out and let Burberry know that the animals they kill have a voice in the animal rights movement. As long as the animals die, we will not sit by and watch while Burberry profits from murder of 50,000,000 animals a year.
Thursday, March 1st
Anti-HLS demo
NYSE Arca Headquarters
100 South Wacker Drive
Come out and fight for the 500 animals murdered by Huntingdon Life Sciences every single day by joining in the campaign to drive them off the
NYSE Arca (headquartered right here in Chicago!)
Some Background:
On Sept. 7, 2005, the New York Stock Exchange cancelled the planned listing of Huntingdon Life Science's stock, making news headlines around
the world. For the first time ever, the Big Board had declined to list a company due to activist pressure. HLS's stock price plummeted, and as
financial demos continued over the next six months, HLS saw their financial picture go from rosy to terminal.
Then on the 22nd December the New York Stock Exchange sneaked HLS onto the newly formed NYSE Arca on the last day of business before Christmas. See all the details here:
This move is central to Huntingdon's very survival and the NYSE know what all the issues are, have seen the footage shot inside HLS but have turned
round and said we put money before morals. That is why we are bringing the fight to their doorstep!
Tuesday, March 13th
Prisoner Writing Night
Mercury Cafe (1505 W. Chicago)
Come hang out with fellow activists for a night of prisoner support. Everything you need to start supporting animal liberation prisoners will
be provided - all you have to do is come out and write some letters! Remember, these people are in jail for fighting for the animals and mail is their only lifeline to the outside world, it is up to all of us to let them know that they are not forgotten.
See you in the streets!!!