"Without State Sponsored Terrorism, the other side of the coin, Terrorism, would not exist." author unknown
“Ulsters White Negroes” by Fionbarra O'Dochartaigh, 1st printing 1994
Book Review
"Without State Sponsored Terrorism, the other side of the coin, Terrorism, would not exist." author unknown
Richard Wallace • 11 January 2007
For anyone concerned with the rights of man, this book will be yet another revelation of the One-Eyed-Jack nature of English society; a society that claims to be "Civilized" while claiming that other nations whose properties they covet are "Savages". A One-Eyed-Jack is one who shows its good eye to the public, while its hidden, evil eye pursues its true agenda.
The word "Plantation" derives from the term "Transplantation of English Society". Throughout the world, England (Britain) has sought to take that which belonged to others, all in the name of "Civilization". Those who resisted were the savages or barbarians; and were treated as sub-human, subject to the whim of the Englishman, who usually exterminated them. Ulster is still called the "Plantation" even today after all of England's other plantations have been forcefully dismantled.
The Ulster Plantation's closest cousin are the Slave Plantations of America; wherein the Black man, stolen from Africa, was enslaved to plant and harvest the lands their masters, the English, stole from the Native American Indians. Methods learned in Ireland were improved upon in the Slave Plantations of America, and are today being perfected in Ulster; Ireland's six occupied Counties; Northern Ireland as the British like to call it. They consider the Native Irish to be inferior, uncivilized and savage; a race of people not worthy of basic human rights. In the 1700's and 1800's it was not a crime to kill an Irish Native. Similarly, in White Anglo Saxon America (English America) it was not a crime to kill a Plantation Negro or an American Indian; they all had something the English wanted, and their sub-human basic rights were irrelevant.
Ulster’s White Negroes is a book about the Irish Civil Rights movement, launched in 1967 in Belfast, named the "Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association", crushed on Bloody Sunday in 1972; the day the British once again killed the Irish in cold blood; this time 14 innocent peaceful protestors; young men and old men; unarmed and innocent, shot in broad daylight. The British Government was taking no chances with this operation, so they brought in their very best trained marksmen; the elite of their assassins: Prince Charles’s trained snipers from his Parachute Regiment; England’s finest killers.
The story is centered in Derry (the English insist on calling it Londonderry in spite of the name change instituted by its City Council). The Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association was modeled after Martin Luther King and the American Civil Rights movement. It is a true story of how a group of innocent college students sought to right the wrongs of a foreign occupying army In Ireland. The English, for 1000 years have attempted to exterminate the Native Irish at every turn because they wanted what the Irish have; a rich island nation bursting with natural resources and land to spare. Britain is currently supporting itself on the oil resources of Scotland, which it has stolen at the point of a gun. After 1000 years of assault, Ireland still holds 4/5ths of its territory, a telling reality for the English, much to their incomprehension.
Ulster's White Negroes should be read and widely distributed; make copies and send it to friends. In this well-documented and researched study, the author clearly and convincingly presents how the British use their specially written laws, their non-jury political courts, their British Police Force, their British Military, and their highly financed Ulster Protestant population to crush and destroy any effort by the Native Irish to achieve any semblance of basic human rights. The White Negroes of Ulster are, to this day, terrorized by the State solely because of their race and the blatant fact that the land of their forefather's was stolen by the forefather's of their molesters.
The author, Fionbarra O'Dochartaigh, has remained true to his beliefs and principles, to this day, as he was when a student struggling for basic civil rights in the streets of Derry, with the image of Martin Luther King in his mind, and the dream of Irish freedom.
England's legacy to Ireland is written on the walls of their prisons and the tombstones of their cemeteries; the Mass Graves of their 1845 Irish Genocide have long been obliterated and successfully excused away; relegated to the dim recesses of Ireland’s collective memory.