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Opinion Poll for Medical Professionals

Hello Everyone. I just needed your opionion on something. I am a nursing student at Olive Harvey College, in Chicago Illinois. I completed all of my nursing programs with success. I along with my classmates was than given a Hesi comprehensive practice test. This exam was created for the purposes of determining where the students weakness were. Its for students to practice taking simulated style exams. Instead, Olive Harvey College used it to disqualify their already successful students. Read about the test at For students who did not pass, for a fee 6 week pass/fail remediation course was started. I alonside with my classmates passed again, all of our instructors given exams. Instructors stated we were ready to take the HESI exam again. We took the exam, and 90% of us failed it. The school has given us an option, this is where I really need your opinion. The school stated that we can take a 16 week course, with the same instructors who taught me for two years and passed me , the same instructors who taught me for remediation and passed me, again. I also would have to audit the whole entire second year of nursing - as if I never took and passed any of the nursing courses. I would have to repeat clinicals. If I pass the 16 week course, I can than take HESI one more time. If I don't pass HESI than I can no longer attend any of the City Colleges of Chicago nursing programs. As of right now, the City Colleges of Chicago will not give me or my classmates our earned nursing degree and we are not allowed to sit for boards. Therefore, I accumulated close to 70 college credit hours. The sacrifices and money were meaningless.
I along with my classmates completed - passed all of the nursing courses, and we recieved nothing for it. What do you think I should do?



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