PROTEST to demand FULL equal rights, including marriage rights, for Lesbians and Gays.
Valentine's Day -- Wednesday, Feb. 14th
4 PM assembly outside of the Marriage License Bureau, 118 N. Clark
4:30 PM march thru the City/County Building rotunda
Twenty-five states have passed constitutional amend-ments banning equal marriage rights for Lesbians and Gays, including next door Wisconsin and Missouri. Indiana avoided the same fate only due to the legal difficulty in amending its constitution. Now it appears likely that the issue of repealing equal marriage rights in Massachusetts may be on the ballot there in 2008, aided by powerful politicians in both political parties.
The religious right is manipulating the issue of marriage to set back our rights along a broad front, using the issue to stigmatize Lesbians and Gays as second class citizens. Their agenda includes inequality for women and a move towards theocracy in America.
We can either run away from this fight, and lose, or we can stand up for our rights and our community.
Please join us for Marriage Equality Day, Wednesday, February 14th!
Sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network
Endorsed by (list in formation):
Chicago Area CodePINK (
PFLAG Dupage (
Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ (
Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches (
Berry Memorial United Methodist Church (
To endorse, email
LGBTliberation (at)