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No Dal Molin, No War

Somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 people marched peacefully through the city of Vicenza, Italy on December 2, 2006 to say no to the proposed U.S. military base at the Dal Molin airport, and to say no to war
No Dal Molin, No War

Somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 people marched peacefully through the city of Vicenza, Italy on December 2, 2006 to say no to the proposed U.S. military base at the Dal Molin airport, and to say no to war. It was, in fact, one of the biggest demonstrations ever held in the city known for Andrea Palladio, thanks in large part to the tireless work of local organizers and despite the fear mongering by city officials, who had warned residents to stay inside their homes and keep the car in the garage and advised shop owners to close for the day.

These same local officials had been involved in secret negotiations with the former Berlusconi government, going back as far as two years, to turn over the Dal Molin to the U.S. military in order to expand the existing base at Camp Ederle. City residents became aware of the plan in May 2006 and mounted an incredible grassroots campaign. Residents of Vicenza and the surrounding area formed 9 citizens' committees and held public assemblies, meetings, debates, protests and sit-ins. All this culminated in a national demonstration on December 2 with people coming from all over Italy.

The march started from near the existing base of Camp Ederle and continued for nearly 9Km past the site of the proposed base at the Dal Molin airport. It was a quite a sight, with young and old, radical and mainstream, all united in the conviction that another military base is not what Vicenza, Italy, nor the world needs. At the head were families with kids, some in strollers, others being pulled in carts, all holding colorful balloons. They were followed by the 9 citizens' committees and a sea of white "No Dal Molin" flags. From there on it was everything from scout groups and students to the centri sociali, from Donne in nero and Rete Lilliput to the political parties and trade unions. The various campaigns against U.S. military bases throughout Italy were also present, including Camp Darby, Sigonella, Aviano and Sardegna.

Only a very small contingent of USC4P&J made the trip to Vicenza for the demonstration, in fact there were only two of us. But we did our best to be as visible as possible, with two large U.S. peace flags, one of which stayed in Vicenza with the organizers. We also handed out 300 flyers, gave several radio interviews, and were thanked by many for being there. Mention was made of our group on the local and national press the following day.

At the end of the march, protesters gathered in a park just past the Dal Molin for a short rally followed by a concert. After being denied a local referendum, the people had spoken with a resounding NO al Dal Molin.

The coordinators were able to unite a wide array of people spanning the political and cultural spectrum. And they also succeeded in attracting national attention. This was true grassroots organizing at its best.



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