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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Insist our elected officials bring all of our troops home now!

During the primary season, we must engage candidates and insist they correct their positions. Many of us are going back to Washington D.C. to engage our elected officials and candidates. The following press release summarizes our plan:

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Washington, DC - Progressive Democrats of America, the grassroots ally of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is mobilizing its membership into the streets for this Saturday's peace march in D.C. (Jan. 27) and into the halls of Congress Monday (Jan. 29) to lobby on behalf of a prompt, orderly withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

Founded in 2004, PDA's multiracial Advisory Board includes six members of Congress, and legendary peace and justice activists such as Tom Hayden, Cindy Sheehan, Medea Benjamin (Code Pink), and Rev. Lennox Yearwood (Hip Hop Caucus).

"Through our marching and lobbying, we are not aiming our communication at the White House," commented PDA executive director Tim Carpenter, "but at Democrats who have been complicit in prolonging a futile occupation of Iraq, that most Iraqis want ended. The voters spoke in November; some Democratic leaders aren't listening."

PDA is coordinating and rallying grassroots support nationwide behind two bills:

** H.R. 508, The Bring the Troops Home and Iraq Sovereignty Restoration Act, a comprehensive alternative to escalation (introduced by PDA Advisory Board members Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters) that would bring all US troops home within 6 months, while providing economic aid and a framework for stability in Iraq and fully funding the VA health care system.

** Rep. Jim McGovern's Safe and Orderly Withdrawal Act, to be reintroduced this week, which would use appropriated funds for an orderly 180-day withdrawal of all troops from Iraq — and upon completion of withdrawal, would terminate funding for the US occupation of Iraq.

Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and our country. As a grassroots PAC operating inside the Democratic Party, and outside in movements for peace and justice, PDA contributed mightily to the stunning electoral victory of November 2006. PDA strives to rebuild the Democratic Party from the bottom up - from every Congressional District to statewide party structures to the corridors of power in Washington. More info at

United for Peace and Justice [UFPJ], the national anti-war coalition with over 1,400 groups under its umbrella, is sponsoring the march. More info at

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In the first week of January, I went to Washington DC to participate "Walk For Change". I went to demand congress provide "No More Funding for This War" and "Investigate the Case Made for This War and the Way It's Been Conducted".

"Walk for Change" was sponsored by PDA, Gold Star Families, Code Pink, Democracy Rising, Green Party, and World Can't Wait. The group consisted of many incredible activists from across the country.

On January 3, Cindy Sheehan lead us on a march to Congress. We shouted the refrain, "Who's House is This?", "Our House"!

We were told that the new congressional leadership (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) had not put the War in Iraq on their agenda for the first week of congress.

We attempted to deliver documents calling for withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq, directly to Congresswoman Pelosi. We then proceeded upstairs as a press conference was gathering for Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi. As congress members walked by, we handed them our documents. We asked the congress members to stop funding the war and support HR4232.

When the press conference started, we chanted of "De-escalate! Investigate! Troops home now!". Rahm Emanuel's only response was to walk away from the microphones. Cindy stepped in, and took over the press conference!

That evening, we performed a somber vigil in front of the White House. The name of each soldier killed in Iraq was read out loud. A wounded Vietnam Vet, with only a single arm left, held an impeachment banner with me for hours as the soldiers names were announced.

The following day many powerful speakers gathered at a rally near Congress. Rev. Lennox Yearwood reminded us how serious our mission is, "Cindy Sheehan's child will never come home". Each soldier or Iraqi killed or wounded is a deep and personal tragedy. We must insist that our elected officials bring all of our troops home now, and investigate the case made for this war and the way it's been conducted.

That day, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid sent a letter to the White House regarding Iraq.

Please see our website at for more information.

Lorin Klugman
Progressive Democrats of America
Chicago Chapter




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