Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

1/13 Film: "Reds"

Open University of the Left presents on Saturday, January 13, 1:00PM at In These Times 2040 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago the political epic "Reds."
OUL presents the extraordinary political and historical epic "Reds." The chief protagonists in "Reds" are the radical American journalist John Reed played by Warren Beatty and his wife Louise Bryant played by Diane Keaton. This is a commercial film with a rare sense of history. The film centers on the Russian Revolution in 1917. Scenes of this event include the Bolshevik takeover of the Winter palace in Petrograd.

The film won Academy Awards for best direction (Beatty) as well as best cinematography.
Interestingly, another element in the film depicts the significance of Chicago in the history of Left politics in the United States. The film reenacts the Socialist Party convention in August 1919 held in Chicago that resulted in the political break-up of the Socialists that led to the formation of the U.S. Communist Party.

Viually lavish and narratively sweeping,"Reds" brings home to contemporary viewers the passionate idealism of a bygone era. OUL's Hugh Iglarsh will comment on the film and lead a discussion following the screening. Please note the earlier tha usual starting time due to the film's length. (Shown via DVD projection; 195 minutes, with intermission.)



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