Invitation to Democratic Organizations and Individuals!
The ILPS-Youth Commission calls all anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist youth movements and organisations to participate in the World Peoples Youth Conference!
2- 4 March 2007
NH Hotel ZOETERMEER, Danny Kayelaan 20, 2719EH Zoetermeer, Holland
Dear Comrades,
We, ILPS Youth, are proud and pleased to send out this invitation. World Peoples Youth Conference, whose preliminary preparations has been in progress for the last one year, has finally completed its internal preparations and now takes this opportunity to publicize its program.
Through this invitation, we would like you to participate actively in this conference. The further information regarding the conference could be gained from the website. On the website, there is the invitation, the poster, the statement and the registration form of this gathering. You could download these documents and distribute them widely. The materials on the website should be translated into different languages and publicized without modifying its contents.
The registration form should be filled out as soon as possible in order for preparation committee to make its job easier.
Please let us know well before if you need to get visa.
Accommodation and food expenses for the delegations that have got limited resources will be covered. But we are not able to cover their travel expenses.
Besides panels and workshops, there will be sessions that will focus on actual developments in individual countries at the gathering. In this context, the delegations should send their country reports via e-mail which has to be less than 700 words.
The conference shall issue certain declarations on actual and general political developments. If you would like the gathering to issue declarations, please do inform us beforehand. Otherwise, the suggestions submitted during the gathering will not be accepted.
It is crucial that all proposals for presentations to workshops or panels must be handed in because preparatory committee will discuss and finalize proposals by the beginning of February 2007.
For further information please contact us via the e-mail below. info (at)
Revolutionary Greetings
ILPS-Youth Commission
December 2006
With lefts’ youth to demolish their old world!
Our time is marked by the intensification of all contradictions, contrasts, but also of the dead ends that the imperialist-capitalist system gives birth to for the new generation and the working people.
Everyday youth becomes a witness but also a victim of the struggle between the imperialists for the redistribution of the world and world domination. Millions of people and young people, whole countries and regions of the planet are converted to the fuel of the inter-imperialist rivalry which is led by the greater enemy of people, USA. A rivalry which is feeding and being fed by the world economic crisis, the twin sister of the rivalry. Bombings and disaster, death and refugees, poverty and enslaving are the gifts of the new so-called peaceful and progressive century which imperialism-capitalism and its various organs (OECD, IMF, etc) would offer to the people and the new generation.
An attack which we have never seen before, of a strategic character, is developed by the capital and its political personnel, with the crisis and the rivalry as background. With the goal to lead the working humanity to a new social and working middle ages. With the goal for a world in which, every vitality of life will belong to the capital and its need to raise its profits. With the goal for a world in which, imperialism will have the right of life and death to every human creature.
Part of this attack is systems’ effort to level all the social and democratic rights of youth. They want to abolish youths’ right to education and replace it with individual ways proportionately to how much each ones pocket endures. They want to erase from youths’ mind the lust for a dignified and steady job and replace it with the vicious circle of under-occupation – unemployment – re-education. They want to abolish the union and political freedoms and in their place to raise the most extended network of manipulation, debilitation and oppression, known to mankind. In the end, they want to convert the new generation to a generation of modern slaves of the capital and of imperialism.
They will not make it! Not because we or anybody else says so. But because it’s already proven by the people, with their struggles and by the development of movements of resistance, national and social liberation. It’s proven by the heroic Iraqi resistance, the unslaved fighters of Indifada, the revolutionary movements in Philippines and Turkey. Because it’s already proven by the new generation, with its uprisings. In France against CPE and the conversion of youth to a serf of the capital, but also by the rebellion of the 2nd and 3rd generation of immigrants in Paris, which shows the level of the crisis which spreads up to the metropolis and the “show-cases” of the system. In the distant Chile with the protracted struggles of the students for the right to education. In Greece for the overthrown of the reactionary storm made in EU which is attempting to demolish rights and conquests of decades.
That’s why we meet in the World Peoples Youth Conference! Because the role of the spectator and the fatalist doesn’t suit youth. Because youth can become again the striking force of peoples movements! Because thousand of “snapshots” from all over the planet show that a new cycle of re-measurements and struggles has open and youth should take its place in it.
That’s why we meet in the World Peoples Youth Conference! To discuss, to recognize the situation, our potentials and our weaknesses. To exchange opinions about the recent movements and their potentials. To deepen to the characteristics and the goals of the attack which youths receives. To coordinate and organize our struggles better. To know the world better so we can participate more efficiently in the struggle to change it!
The ILPS-Youth Commission calls all anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist youth movements and organisations to participate in the World Peoples Youth Conference!
2- 4 March 2007
NH Hotel ZOETERMEER, Danny Kayelaan 20, 2719EH Zoetermeer, Holland
ILPS-Youth Commission info (at)