This calendar is distributed by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) as a community service. Listings do not
necessarily reflect official endorsement by AFSC. To submit listings for the calendar, see instructions below.
***UFPJ National March on Washington***
United for Peace & Justice is organizing a national March on Washington, January 27, 2007. A number of Chicagoland peace
organizations have co-sponsored the Chicago area mobilization for this march and are organizing to turn out as many people
as possible.
We want to invite you to Get On the Bus and March in DC on Jan. 27th.
Why March in Washington?
The time to demand that our elected leaders represent the majority will of Americans and stop this war - Is NOW. This
really is the tipping point we've all been working for.
-Estimated Cost is $100 - $120 (discussion with bus companies underway).
-Two convenient departure locations:
-Elmhurst: departing from Wilder Park, approximately 5pm, Friday January 26th. Free weekend parking garage one block away;
Wilder Park is 2 blocks from Elmhurst Metra station.
-Chicago: depart from the UNITE HERE Hall, approximately 6pm, Friday January 26th. Address: 333 S. Ashland, right off
I-290 at Ashland, parking garage nearby.
-Estimated Schedule: We'll drive through the night Friday night, march Saturday, drive out of DC late Saturday afternoon,
drive through the night Saturday night, returning to the Chicago area at approximately around noon Sunday.
Send an email with 'DC Bus' subject line to
wsfpc (at), answering:
1) Do you want to travel on the Elmhurst & Chicago Bus) to DC, January 26-28?
2) Your name, email address, phone number, organization (if you like)?
3) Do you expect to board in Elmhurst or Chicago?
4) How many people do you expect to travel with you?
5) Would you prefer to return on Sunday or Monday (after the Lobby Day)?
6) Would you/your organization like to help with planning for the trip?
7) Can you/your organization help with publicity & outreach?
8) Would your organization like to be listed as a co-sponsor?
wsfpc (at) or call 630-768-9305
Saturday, January 6, 12:00pm
Event: Planning Meeting for 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War
As the 4th anniversary of the U.S. war on Iraq approaches this March, individuals and groups from across the area are
joining together to convene a metro-wide organizing meeting. Help build a unified, collaborative plan of action for
anti-war forces in the metro area on the 4th anniversary of the war. Initiated by CCAWR.
Location: 8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe Street, 5th floor
CCAWR (at) or 773-209-1187
Saturday, January 6, 1:30pm
Event: Free Screening of `Ground Truth'
Please join the North Suburban Peace Initiative for this powerful documentary. Hear and witness the lives of our soldiers
in this penetrating film. The shocking ground conflict is only a prelude to even more challenging battles these reluctant
heroes face upon their return home. Not suitable for small children.
Location: Wilmette Public Library, 1242 Wilmette Avenue
Monday, January 8, 6:30 pm
Event: Talk on Oil, globalization, and the diminishing American hegemony
Please join News and letters and guest speaker Cyrus Bina, economist and editor of Modern Capitalism and Islamic Ideology
in Iran (St. Martin's Press, 1991) for a talk on Oil, globalization, and the diminishing American hegemony. Cyrus Bina
teaches at the University of Minnesota, Morris
Location: News and Letters office, 36 S. Wabash, Room 1440
Contact: 312/ 236 0799 or
arise (at)
Thursday, January 11, 4:00-6:00pm
Event: Come out to Close Guantanamo
8th Day Center for Justice and CPT is calling on all its friends and comrades to come out to protest the 5th anniversary
of the arrival of the first detainees to Guantanamo Bay. Five years later, not a single prisoner has been charged, tried
or convicted of any crime. Now is the time to say a definite NO to the lawlessness that has allowed people to sit without
due process and with no right to question their detention (due to the new Military Tribunal Law).
We, at 8th Day, have not heard of any plans in the Chicago area. If you had been planning some event, please let us know
and maybe we can work together.
Location: Dirksen Federal Building and Federal Plaza
dpagosa (at)
Friday, January 12, 6:30pm
Event: Panel Discussion on Race and War
Although the war in Iraq is constantly in the news, discussions about the racial aspects of the war are virtually
nonexistent. Join Peace Pledge Chicago for an interesting and educational presentation and interchange with four
eminently qualified speakers who will talk about the racist nature of the war, how racialist attitudes toward Arabs shape
many Americans' perceptions of the war, how race affects who's in the military and what happens to them once they are, and
other related topics.
Speakers include: Dr. Ghada Talhami, Professor, Lake Forest College, Jose Lopez, Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center,
Doug Gills, Profesor, University of Illinois at Chicago and Raja Halwani, Professor, School of the Art Institute.
Refreshments will be served. Each speaker will talk briefly on the subject and then we will have an open discussion and
question and answers.
Location: Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 2700 W Haddon
Contact: (773) 278-6706 or
Wednesday, January 17, 7:30 pm
Event: Illinois Ballot Integrity Project - DuPage Co. Chapter Meeting
More information about the 11/7 election and on legislation to change Illinois election law.
Location: Whole Foods Meeting Room, Wheaton, NE corner of Naperville Rd and Butterfield Rd
Contact: Rich Wernecke,
richw329 (at)
Sunday, January 21, 7:00 pm
Event: Attorney Susan Compernolle on "The Rise and Fall of Habeas Corpus"
Also shown: Outlawed: Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances.
Sponsored by the North Shore Coaltiion for Peace and Justice.
Location: Evanston's Lake Street Church, Lake and Chicago
riegle (at) or
scompernolle (at)
Thursday, January 25, 7:30pm
Event: Talk by Combatants for Peace
Sulaiman Al Hamri and Elik Elhanan, former Combatants, and the Palestinian and Israeli coordinators for Combatants for
Peace will speak. After brandishing weapons for so many years, these former combatants decided to put down their guns and
instead fight for peace. Sponsored by the Chicago chapter of Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, The Jewish Alliance for Justice and
Peace and the North Shore Coaltiion for Peace and Justice.
Location: Beth Emet The Free Synagogue, 1224 Dempster (at Ridge), Evanston
aliza (at) or (312) 341-1205
Saturday, January 27, 3:00pm
Event: Screening of `The Doctor, Depleted Uranium & Dying Children'
The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children, is an award winning (OEKOMEDIA 2004) documentary film from
Germany produced in 2004 that exposes the use and impact of radioactive weapons during the war against Iraq. The film is
3rd in a series sponsored by NWCPJ. A discussion will follow the film. Sponsored by the Near West Citizens for Peace and
Location: Riverside Public Library, One Burling Road in Riverside, IL
The Peace Museum is working on an endeavor "PEACE 2005". ?The museum will be offering patrons the opportunity to donate a
peace crane to honor a friend, loved one or colleague. Peace cranes will be suspended from the ceiling in our gallery,
creating a colorful wall. The 1000 colorful cranes will create a "wall of hope" for peace in 2005 in our gallery. Once we
accumulate 1000 paper cranes, we will send the cranes to a hospital in Iraq. This will be a symbolic gesture to the Iraqi
people to demonstrate that we share in their wish for peace. Peace cranes may be purchased online by visiting and clicking the membership button.
Thursdays, 12:30 - 1 pm- End the War, Bring the Troops Home Now
Central Avenue at Port Clinton Plaza, downtown Highland Park
Contact: 847-432-9411
Thursdays, 4-6:30pm- Be in the public square against torture
Protest the Military Commissions Act Thursdays through 11/23 at State and Randolph
Thursdays, 5-6pm - Artist C Drew gives away free hand-printed peace patches and passes out his "Peace Personified" (TM)
series fliers with news of coming peace protests and or other peace related events. Often he prints peace patches right
on the spot. Help bring back the peace sign - pickup a free peace patch.
In front of Blue line El stop at Milwaukee, North and Damen.
Conact: 773-561-7676,
cdrew (at),
Thursdays, 7:30 pm- Evanston Neighbors for Peace Weekly Meeting
806 Ridge Avenue, Evanston
1st Thursdays, 6:30-8am - Families for Peace Vigil
Call for just and responsible withdrawal from Iraq. Signs provided.
Northeast corner of Arlington Heights Rd & Northwest Hwy in Arlington Heights, IL.
wrcpeaceproject (at)
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7pm - OPCTJ planning meetings
Topical discussion, first hour of first meeting of each month
Oak Park Public Library, second floor book discussion room, 834 Lake St., Oak Park
Contact: 708-668-7945 (recorded info/leave message),
contact (at),
Fridays, 4:30 pm- Vigil for Peace & Witness Against War
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, 820 S Damen
3rd Fridays, 7pm- End the Occupation-N. Illinois: Potluck/Program
Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin, Naperville
The potluck and program are followed by by a vigil on the Washington Street Bridge in Naperville on the following Saturday
from noon to 1pm.
1st Saturdays, 10:00am - Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice Meeting
Highland Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Ave., Elgin, IL
Contact us at 630-618-6631 or go to for more information
Saturdays, 2-4 pm- Northside Peace Gathering
Logan Square, Kedzie & Milwaukee Avenue
Sundays, noon- End Israeli Occupation of Palestine Vigil
Water Tower Park, 830 N Michigan
Contact: Not In My Name,
Sundays, 1:30-3:30 (unless other antiwar demos are taking place)
Activists from various groups join together to remind that war is terror!
In front of the Chicago Art Institute on Michigan Avenue
nowarforempire (at)
Mondays, 6 pm- Iraq Peace Pledge
2502 W Division
Mondays, 6:30 pm- A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Meeting
No Exit Cafe, 6970 N. Glenwood
Contact: 773-878-0166
1st Mondays, 7-9pm- Fellowship of Reconciliation (Chicago)
1st United Church, 848 Lake, Oak Park (rear entrance, upper level)
Contact: 847-256-0456
Tuesdays, 6-7:15 am- Anti-War Vigil
Corner of Sheridan & Hollywood, St. George's Greek Orthodox Church
Contact: Laurie Hasbrook, 773-878-3815,
laurie (at),
Tuesdays, 8-9 am- Silent Vigil Against War & Racism
Chicago Federal Building, Jackson & Dearborn
Contact: 312-641-5151
Tuesdays, 7 pm- Logan Square Neighbors for Justice & Peace
Grace Church, 3325 W Wrightwood
Contact: 773-252-9956 or
g.henninger (at)
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7 pm- Hyde Park Committee Against War & Racism
University Church, 5655 S University
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm- South Siders for Peace Weekly Meeting
Beverly Unitarian Church, 103rd & Longwood
Wednesdays, 5:30-6 pm- Women in Black Silent Vigil
Fountain Square in Evanston
katiejean (at)
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30pm- Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CCCLR) Meeting
Working for an Illinois resolution against the Patriot Act
1325 S. Wabash, Suite 105
Contact: Brent Mesick at
brentmesick (at)
Last Wednesdays, EPF Volunteer Night!
7:15 pm light supper, 7:30-8:30pm volunteer work. Please let us know if you're able to make it so we'll have enough food.
At the Grace Episcopal Church, 637 S. Dearborn.
Phone: 312-922-8628, Fax: 312-922-8637,
epfnational (at)
Don't miss out on any of the exciting peace and justice events in the Chicagoland area -- subscribe to the Chicago Peace
Calendar today! ?Sign up at or email
lists (at) with
"subscribe" in the subject line.
Your support makes it possible for AFSC to provide services like the Chicago Peace Calendar and the Chicago Peace Alert
Your contributions to AFSC make it possible for us to maintain our success.
Events should relate to peace and justice issues in the Chicagoland area.
Please submit your listing to
peacecalendar (at) in the following format:
DATE (or note if it is a weekly event) and TIME
EVENT: Title and brief description of event, 1-4 lines. Please be as concise as possible.
LOCATION: Be sure to list address or intersection, and city. 1-2 lines.
CONTACT: telephone number and/or email and/or website. 1-2 lines
Thanks for your participation!