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BTL: US Iran Tensions Arise as 2nd Aircraft Carrier Heads to Persian Gulf...

Interview with Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian- American Council, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
U.S. Iran Tensions Arise as Second American Aircraft Carrier Heads to Persian Gulf

Interview with Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian- American Council, conducted by Scott Harris

After months of tense negotiations, the United Nations' Security Council voted unanimously Dec. 23rd to impose limited economic sanctions against Iran for that nation's refusal to halt its uranium enrichment operation. The council voted to block all countries from selling technology and equipment that could assist Iran in developing its nuclear research and missile capabilities. In addition, the U.N. froze the assets of 10 Iranian corporations and 12 individuals linked to its nuclear and missile programs. Iranian officials responded defiantly, vowing to continue their enrichment of uranium and warning of future changes in their relationship with the U.N. nuclear monitoring agency.

With the Bush administration's decision to dispatch a second aircraft carrier group to the waters off the Iranian coast and the recent arrest by U.S. soldiers of four Iranian diplomats inside Iraq, tension between the U.S. and Iran appeared to be on the rise as the new year began. At the same time that Bush rejected the Iraq Study group's recommendation for opening talks with Iran over the situation in Iraq, the rushed execution of Saddam Hussein threatened to escalate violence between the majority Shiite and minority Sunni population.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian- American Council, who looks at the increasing tension between the U.S. and Iran in the context of the continuing American occupation of Iraq.

Contact the National Iranian- American Council at (202) 719-8071 or visit their website at

Related links:

"The Bush Agenda for War in Iraq and Iran," speech in audio CD and DVD, by former U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, Sept. 17, 2005, recorded by Squeaky Wheel Productions

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