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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Public discussion of*anarchist anthropology* Tues. Jan. 9, 6pm

an informal discussion of *Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology* by David Graeber.
Tuesday January 9th at 6pm -
Harper Hall, room# 125

1116 E. 59th St (on the Midway), Chicago,
reach by the Metra Electric,
or CTA bus #s 2, 6, 28X, or 55

Text available in many bookstores or free online at

Co-sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the 49th St. Underground of Chicago, with the help of the University of Chicago Anthropology Students Association

contact southsideanticap (at)
Possibilities that are not yet.

Join us for an informal discussion of *Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology* by David Graeber.
Tuesday January 9th at 6pm -
Harper Hall, room# 125

1116 E. 59th St (on the Midway), Chicago,
reach by the Metra Electric,
or CTA bus #s 2, 6, 28X, or 55

Breaking with various orthodoxies in the academic world as well as much of leftist politics, this book discusses the possibility of radical social change the role of intellectuals in helping bring about that change without taking control of the movements they serve. While anarchism and anthropology serve as the two central points of Graeber's argument, the issues should be of interest to people in many walks of life and politics who share an interest in changing the world. Everyone is invited.

Text available in many bookstores or free online at

Co-sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the 49th St. Underground of Chicago, with the help of the University of Chicago Anthropology Students Association

contact southsideanticap (at) <mailto:southsideanticap (at)>


Also stay in touch for our next activities, which are likely to include screening a film about worker-run ("co-managed") factories in Venezuela, and a discussion of how best to understand Soviet-type social systems.



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