On November 29 Tarasio Zadorosni went on a hunger strike to protest the unjust charges he received at the European Social Forum. On December 10 he was transferred to the prison hospital. Since then Yerasimos Kyriakopoulos and Kostas Katsadouras have also declared the start of their hunger strikes to protest similar charges received at the European Social Forum. Each are facing decades in prison for fabricated crimes. I’m asking that the American activist, anarchist, and prison reform/abolition communities organize solidarity events at Greek Consulates on Friday, December 22.
I invite everyone to assemble at the Chicago Greek Consulate at 650 N. Saint Clair (Just North-East of the intersection N. Michigan Ave & E. Ontario St) at Noon on Friday, December 22. We will not let our comrades starve in prison for crimes they didn’t commit. We will show the Greek government that people all over the globe are watching. Tarasio Zadorosni, Yerasimos Kyriakopoulos, and Kostas Katsadouras will not die in vein. We stand united and committed to the struggle ahead.
For more information please email
freegerasimos (at) yahoo.com
Solidarity forever.