Labor Beat presents Midwest premiere of new, important documentary on Mexican Fraudulent election. Cablecast information.
New documentary on Mexican political crisis
(see cablecast dates below - starts Thurs. Dec. 14)
Labor Beat is very proud to announce the midwest premiere of a very important and unique documentary about the political crisis in Mexico — No Te Rajes!
Produced by Caitlin Manning and the Videoactivista collective, it shows the movement of peaceful civil disobedience that took over the heart of Mexico City for 49 days July through September of this year. The movement was catalyzed by the fraudulent elections in July 2006. The documentary provides background and context for current wave of social movements in Mexico, and includes the Sept. 16 National Democratic Convention in El Zocalo in Mexico City which declared Obrador the true elected President,.
This meaty, well-made documentary is an absolute must for anyone paying attention to the developing political powder keg south of the Rio Grande. It is an excellent tool to bring North Americans, spoon fed lies by the corporate media, up to speed on the situation.
-Larry Duncan
Labor Beat is not selling any dvd's, but those interested in a copy should contact the producer,
Caitlin Manning at: caitlin_manning
Cablecast Information
Chicago Cable TV Channel 19
Thurs., Dec. 14, 9:30 pm
Friday, Dec. 15, 4:30 pm
Thurs., Dec. 21, 9:30 pm
Friday, Dec. 22, 4:30 pm
"No Te Rajes!" is not for sale by Labor Beat.
More info: 312-226-3330
mail (at)
Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producer, not necessarily of IBEW. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner.