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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Irish Freedom Committee Christmas Event for Irish Political Prisoners

On Sunday December 10, 2006, the Charlie Kerins Cumann of the Irish Freedom Committee hosts our Annual Christmas Drive for the families of Irish Republican POWs. As in years past, we will have Christmas cards for the POWs on hand for you to sign; and we’ll raffle off prizes including unique prison crafts handmade by Irish Republican political prisoners. Please join us!
Support Irish Republican Political Prisoners
The Irish Freedom Committee - Charlie Kerins Cumann, Chicago

The Christmas Season is upon us again, and our thoughts turn to the Irish Political Prisoners and their families. Christmas is a lonely and difficult time for the POWs, and an especially hard time of year for their families on the outside; many of whom have large families of young children and spouses working several jobs to make ends meet.

On Sunday December 10, 2006, the Charlie Kerins Cumann of the Irish Freedom Committee hosts our Annual Christmas Drive for the families of Irish Republican POWs. As in years past, we will have Christmas cards for the POWs on hand for you to sign; and we’ll raffle off prizes including unique prison crafts handmade by Irish Republican political prisoners. Please join us!

Sunday December 10, 2006
Noon – 3:00 PM
The Abbey Pub – Main Stage
3420 W. Grace, Chicago IL


This year we are also seeking new/used BOOKS and MAGAZINES to be sent to the POWs in jails in England and Ireland. There is a complete Wish List of specific titles wanted by the POWs on our website at - but any and all books are welcomed! Subjects especially wanted are Irish History, World History, Labor History, Politics, Native Americans, Nature and Animals, Biography/Autobiography, Irish American connections, and any books by Noam Chomsky or Orson Welles. (Please note prisons allow paperbacks only).

Merry Christmas from all of us at the Charlie Kerins Cumann. Hope to see you Sunday December 10th at the Abbey Pub!!

- Charlie Kerins Cumann, Irish Freedom Committee-- Frank O’Neill, Chairman

If you can’t join us, you are welcome to participate – just copy&paste and fill out the form below and send it back to us with your donation. Questions? Saoirse (at)
___YES Please enter me in the RAFFLE FOR POW CRAFTWORK! ________ TICKETS x $5.00 ea = $_____________

___YES I would like to SPONSOR A BOOK for a POW! My Pledge = $_______________

___YES I am enclosing a Christmas DONATION FOR A NEEDY FAMILY of an Irish Republican POW for $______________




Please make checks/MOs to “Irish Freedom Committee” - Mail to: IFC, P.O. Box 11417, Chicago IL 60611



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