Video of LAPD Attack
Live Music: Tristan James of proletariatproductions (Trip Hop) & Bagwis (Pro-people folk rock)
Remember Fred Hampton, Black Panther Party leader murdered by the Chicago Police on Dec 4, 1969
Spoken Word by AJ Viola & Azteca
Chicago Event
Sat December 16 - 7 pm
3460 W. Lawrence (Directions)
For more info call 773-463-0311
Sponsor: ANSWER Chicago
Endorsed by Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism (CCAWR), Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Committee on Pilipino Issues (CPI), Mexico Solidarity Network, National Lawyers Guild - Chicago, Nicaragua Solidarity Committee, Party for Socialism and Liberation
$5-$20 Donation Requested. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Food and Drink Provided
This meeting is a fundraiser to help with costs involved in the struggle
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