LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Dec 8 Fri 6pm: LIPA presents an art exhibit and performance
Links for International Promotion of the Arts
In the light of the upcoming International Human Rights Day L.I.P.A. is presenting an art exhibit and a performance at the Art Center of Highland Park, 1957 Sheridan Road, Highland Park IL 60035
Opening Reception: Friday, December 8th, 2006
6pm - Opening of the Art Exhibit
8pm - On Death and Gardening
LIPA Dec 8 opening.pdf (206 k)
L. I. P. A.
Links for International Promotion of the Arts
In the light of the upcoming International Human Rights Day L.I.P.A. is presenting an art exhibit and a performance at the Art Center of Highland Park, 1957 Sheridan Road, Highland Park IL 60035
Opening Reception: Friday, December 8th, 2006 (6:00 - 8:00pm)
6pm - Opening of the Art Exhibit
8pm - On Death and Gardening
Gallery 2:
"Myth and Metaphor" Paintings by Arthur Lerner
"Hanged figures or figures in states of decay or mummification may suggest torment or victimization and consequently may evoke powerful emotions within us.
We create myths and religious systems as a way of dealing not only with the cruelties of life but also with the inevitability of death. Mummies and mythical figures in my work are not intended to represent specific political or historical events in any way, but rather to act as symbols or metaphors for the terror, the anguish, the tragic, the comic - even the absurdity and the beauty of life as we experience it." ~ Arthur Lerner
Entrance Lobby:
200 Faces - Paintings by Nancy Plotkin
Symbol One - Photographs by Miza H. Moreau
Letter to My Friends - Works on Paper by Dusan Kirbis
Glass Atrium:
Light Installation by Mark Genrich
Video Installation by Vesna Grbovic
Exhibit runs from December 8, 2006 to January 6, 2007
Ann Rosen or Vesna Rebernak at the Art Center of Highland Park, 847-432-1888
"On Death & Gardening" by Donna Blue Lachman
A one woman play at the Art Center in Highland Park, one evening only
The critically acclaimed one-woman play "On Death and Gardening" is written and performed by Emmy award-winning actress Donna Blue Lachman. Part hilarious comedy, part meditation, Lachman binds up memories of people and plants, creating a spiritual travelogue that takes us all over the world and back to her garden where the great question of life and death becomes, "Are We Annuals or Perennials?"
"Lachman is an ingenious writer and performer" (Chicago Sun-Times).
Tickets $15, available at the Art Center by calling 847-432-1888
(tickets will be held at the door)
For the past twenty years, Donna Blue Lachman has been writing and performing her one woman plays on Chicago stages as well as in theaters around the country and around the world. The play is part comedy, part meditation; it explores the transient nature of the world we live (and die) in. Asking what things we nurture and what things we kill or try to exile in order to create a garden we feel fits our definition of what should be, Lachman finds the incongruities in our management of both garden and life.
She binds up memories of people and plants, living and dead in a story of intricate, difficult and comedic proportions, creating a spiritual travelogue that takes us from her childhood in Skokie, Illinois, to a hysterical account of a month-long meditation retreat in California, to a Chicago theater where she died 296 times on stage, to trekking the Himalayas and through insomniac nights back to the garden.
In her garden is hidden the great questions of life and death: are we "annuals or perennials?" There she also deals with these deep matters "like a tit-mouse hopping on the back of a rhinoceros"