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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

Last chance for the Blue Line

Meetings in Little Village and Cicero to:

Bring back the 54/Cermak Blue Line between Cicero and O’Hare, every other train should be Blue, 24 hours, 7 days a week;

Get rid of slow Pink Line congestion on the downtown Loop, and;

Put Pink Line money back where it belongs, training & hiring crews from the community to get rid of Slow Zones and Bumpy Rides on all the Lines.
Last chance for the Blue Line

Transit Justice Meetings
co-sponsored by Universidad Popular and the Cicero Public Library

Saturday, December 9, 2006
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Universidad Popular

2601 S. Hamlin
(From Central Park Station on Pink Line, take #82 bus south to 28th Street. Walk 2 blocks west.)

Saturday, December 9, 2006
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cicero Public Library

5225 W. Cermak Rd., Cicero
(South across Cermak from the
54/Cermak Stop of the Pink Line)
Phone: (708)-652-8084

CTAs Final Board Meeting of 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 10 a.m.

(Time may change with short notice. Call LVEJO or CTA to confirm)

CTA Headquarters
567 W. Lake St. and Jefferson
(1 block west of the Clinton Green/Pink Line Station)

For info or to testify, contact Greg Longhini,
CTA Board Secretary,
567 W. Lake Street,
Chicago, IL 60661-1498,
Phone: 312-681-5022, Fax: 312-681-5035;
Email: glonghini (at)

The 6-month Pink Line test period ends Dec 24, 2006.

The Pink Line has meant slower trips, wasted time, and wasted money for thousands of Chicago’s working and student riders. Loop riders and riders traveling to and from the Near West and Southwest Sides have been hit the hardest.

But the Pink Line means less money to get rid of slow zones and bumpy rides everywhere in Chicago.

It also means the CTA does not care about a 15-year black and Latino multi-community struggle to rebuild and restore the 54/Cermak Blue Line.

This is our last, best chance to speak up and tell our elected officials and the media we want to

Bring back the 54/Cermak Blue Line between Cicero and O’Hare, every other train should be Blue, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Get rid of slow Pink Line congestion on the downtown Loop.

Put Pink Line money back where it belongs, training & hiring crews from the community to get rid of Slow Zones and Bumpy Rides on all the Lines.

LVEJO supports more money for transit, but riders need more democracy, respect, and accountability from the CTA. We invite you to a meeting to find out more and prepare for the December CTA and RTA Board Meetings.

Next year the CTA already plans to spend $110 million it doesn’t even have. This is our last, best chance to tell Mayor Daley, CTA President Frank Kruesi, Chairman Carole Brown, our aldermen, the media, and our elected officials downstate that we need democracy. We need transparency. We need accountability. We need to be listened to. We need the Blue Line back!

To Chairman Brown and President Kruesi:
Get a clue. Bring back Blue!



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