It looks as though the next Great Lakes Anarchist Gathering will be held here in Toledo the second weekend in April, and will likely include a visit and talk with John Zerzan and Kevin Tucker.
Our goal is to help make this one even better than the last, and with half a year to plan we should have no trouble making this a fun, educational, and worthwhile event for the Great Lakes/Midwest anarchist community. There has been a lot of positive dialogue already, and offers to contribute from people around the region including the October Fifteenth Anarchist Collective.
The goal at this point should be to get people thinking about what they would like to see this time, what they would like to contribute in the way of putting on workshops, helping to set up, food, etc.
We are already looking at the possibility of having more time between workshops and presentations and a more open, less sterile atmoshere than than at the last one. And with it being held in spring, the weather will likely be good for more outdoor events and workshops.
There's a lot going on in our region, both on the very local level as well as things impacting the whole area, such as the RNC in Minneapolis. This will be a good chance to meet others face to face so we can get to know eachother and help coordinate and make plans.
Please share your suggestions and ideas here as well as at the Midwest Action Network ( ), where there's already been some dialogue about it.
Also feel free to contact us at
typea (at)