Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media : Miscellaneous

saturday: hacktivist workshops @ dai5ychain community computer lab

dai5ychain is hosting another full day of hacktivist workshops. everyone is invited to share, learn, and collaborate with other open source enthusiasts and tactical media activists!
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chicago hackmeeting 002
saturday november 18th, 2006 @ the flowershop
2159 w 21st pl 10am >> 8pm

dai5ychain is hosting another full day of hacktivist workshops. everyone is invited to share, learn, and collaborate with other open source enthusiasts and tactical media activists!


11am - Lockpicking && Making Lockpicks
Learn to build your own lockpicks and practice on a variety of different locks
12,30pm - Aerial Kite Photography
2,00pm - Secure and Anonymous Browsing
Secure and anonymous browsing with TOR onion router.
3,30pm - Introduction to Perl Programming
Learn programming with Perl. Introductory/Beginner level. Facilitated by Matt Dennewitz.
5,00pm - Discussion of Community Networking in Chicago
Discuss CDAA and Community Networking Neighborhoods in Chicago with Michael Maranda.
7,00pm - Performances/Screenings
Performances/Screenings curated and facilitated by Busker (Tamas Kemenczy and Nicholas O'Brien).

dai5ychain community computer lab is open to the public monday-friday from 11am-6pm



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