Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Gender & Sexuality : Women's Issues

Pomegranate's Last Event For The Year

After the Natural Birthing Panel, you probably won't hear from us much. We're going to go into semi-hibernation for the winter, we're going to file for non-profit status and plan out next year's calendar- and look for funding! We hope to see you at the natural birthing natural, and please, get in contact if you have suggestions, comment, or questions! We love you!
info [at] pomegranatecollective [NOSPAMdot] org

We have Diva Cups for sale (both pre and post birth)! They are $35, please get in contact with us if you would like one.


Birthing Options Panel
When: Saturday, November 18th, 2:30
Where: Roosevelt University, 430 S Michigan Ave (Wheelchair accessible)
Cost: Donation (no one turned away)

Come learn about alternatives to a medical hospital birth from a panel of experienced birth assistants. Learn how and why to find a practitioner from Karen Laing. Learn about the roles of doulas from Ami Burns, and about midwives from Kathy Puls. Jennifer Gagnon will explain homebirth, and Gayle Riedmann will explain waterbirth. After this informative panel of speakers, we will open up the floor for some Q & A, and be sure to stick around and check out our tables, with Pomegranate's zines and merch, and some information from and about the speakers. This is sure to be an inspiring and educational event for all. Open to people of all genders and sexualities.


General Meeting
When: Wednesday, December 13th, from 6-8pm
Where: Association House, 1116 N. Kedzie


General Meeting
When: Wednesday, January 10th, from 6-8pm
Where: Association House, 1116 N. Kedzie



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