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Chicago Indymedia

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Third Wave Study Group Now Online

'Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it' --Marx, 11th Thesis on Feuerbach

The Third Wave Study Group, a socialist education project launched back in 1994 in Chicago by a core of 1960s cyberradicals, is now online and is inviting one and all, anywhere, to take part.

Just go to

The current book we are reading is always the one on top. Every few weeks, as we pick another, it will change. To make a comment on the book, or engage in discussion or debate on it, just hit the 'comment' link to make a post.

You can also comment on any of the dozen or so earlier books posted.

If you want to see the full list of things we've covered over the years, click the reading list.

Or you can click other links to see how we're applying what we learn.

Best of all, copy us! Do a similar site for a similar group in your neighborhood or town, and then send us the link. Knowledge only gets better when its passed around, shared, debated and applied.



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