LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights
Urgent Alert! 11/1-2 Protest Against Minutemen Rally at Indiana!
We just learned that Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist will be in Indiana on November 1st and 2nd, speaking at the racist anti-immigrant rally "Rally In the Valley '06" along with Congressman John Hostettler, Congressman Tom Tancredo and many others.
Urgent Alert! 11/1-2 Protest Against Minutemen Rally at Indiana!
National Immigrant Solidarity network
We just learned that Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist will be in Indiana on November 1st and 2nd, speaking at the racist anti-immigrant rally "Rally In the Valley '06" along with Congressman John Hostettler, Congressman Tom Tancredo and many others see the above e-mail advisory from Minutemen and the webpage of Rep. Hostettler
We are asking activists from Indiana to organize urgent protest to against their rally!
Wednesday, November 1st at 5:00 PM-Central Time
The Centre - 715 Locust Street – Evansville, Indiana
Thursday, November 2nd at 5:00 PM-Eastern Time
Indiana Theatre - 683 Ohio Street - Terre Haute, Indiana
Rally in the Valley !
Date: October 31, 2006
Dear Minutemen,
Jim Gilchrist will be in Indiana from October 31st to the early morning of November 3rd to bring attention to the illegal alien crisis of mid-western states who are also devastated by the invasion.
Along with a "Who’s Who" in the fight against illegal immigration, Minuteman Project Founder, Jim Gilchrist, will be the key note speaker at two rallies in Evansville and Terra Haute, at 5 pm November 1st and 2nd.
This event is being billed as the largest No Amnesty Rally in the Heartland!
Jim will focus on the fact that even small city employees are being replaced by illegal alien workers, in what had typically been thought of as an inner city or border state problem.
Citizens from Middle America are outraged and they want the borders secured now!
Rally In the Valley '06
Join Jim Gilchrist, Founder of The Minuteman Project at
"Rally In the Valley '06"
A Pro-America, say NO to Amnesty Rally
Come meet Minuteman Project Founder Jim Gilchrist and:
* Congressman John Hostettler, House Sub-Committee Chairman for Secure Borders and Immigration Reform
* Congressman Tom Tancredo, Author, In Mortal Danger
* Bay Buchanan, Border Security Activist
* Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum
* Terry Anderson, Radio Talk Show Host
* Joan Molinaro, Mother of a Fallen 9/11 Firefighter
* Andy Ramirez, Border Patrol Advocate
* Peter Gadiel, 9/11 Families for a Secure America
* Mike Cutler, Former INS Agent
Bring AMERICAN FLAGS and "No Amnesty" SIGNS
Dress in red, white and blue to celebrate your patriotism!
* * *
Wednesday, November 1st at 5:00 PM-Central Time
The Centre - 715 Locust Street – Evansville, Indiana
* * *
Thursday, November 2nd at 5:00 PM-Eastern Time
Indiana Theatre - 683 Ohio Street - Terre Haute, Indiana
* For More Information *
Call 812-422-4227
See the official Rally in the Valley Flyer on the Minuteman Project website at: http://tinyurl.com/yxu24b
Bring as many American flags and signs as you can possibly carry!
Get all your friends and neighbors to come with you!
Send this Email out to everyone you know, and post on all sites!