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Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Murdered in Oaxaca

Oct. 27: New York Indymedia journalist and documentary filmmaker Brad Will was shot to death today by pro-governement paramilitaries who opened fire on a barricade in the neighborhood of Santa Lucia El Camino, on the outskirts of Oaxaca City, Mexico.
Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Killed in Oaxaca
Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Killed in Oaxaca
Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Killed in Oaxaca
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Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Killed in Oaxaca
Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Killed in Oaxaca
Photos: NYC-IMC Reporter Brad Will Killed in Oaxaca
Will was hit in the chest as he held his videocamera, and died before reaching the hospital, according to La Jornada. A photographer from the newspaper Milenio Diario, who was at Will's side, was shot in the leg. Oaxacan schoolteacher Emilio Alonso Fabián was also fatally wounded in another attack outside the state government palace in San Bartolo Coyotepec, 15 kilometers (10 miles) from Oaxaca City, according to Florentino Lopez, spokesperson of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO)



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