*** Sponsored by AFSC ***
Saturday, October 28, 10:00am-4:00pm
Event: Inquest Iraq: Accountability and the War. A Public Hearing
Join The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and a group of concerned citizens for the Inquest Iraq Public Hearing to witness the personal testimony of
panelists who possess first-hand knowledge of U.S. foreign policy, military strategy, pre-war intelligence, and the impact of the invasion and occupation on
both soldiers and Iraqi people. Speakers include:
Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst,
Ann Wright, a high-ranking member of the diplomatic corps,
Naba Hameed, an Iraqi citizen,
Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi-American architect and
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, an American medical doctor who has relatives residing in Baghdad and Basra.
Iraq veterans and other policy witnesses TBA.
Location: Northwestern School of Law, Thorne Auditorium, 357 E. Chicago Ave
Contact: Jarred Butto, 312.427.2533x32,
JButto (at) afsc.org
***AFSC's Eyes Wide Open: The Cost of War to Illinois Exhibit On Display***
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) will honor fallen U.S. military personnel and Iraqi civilians with its traveling exhibition: Eyes Wide Open: The
Cost of War to Illinois. The 110 pairs of combat boots representing U.S. soldiers from Illinois who have fallen in the Iraq War, and a visual representation of
the Iraqi civilian casualties will be on display on:
November 1, 12pm-8pm
at John C. Murphy Memorial Library
at the College of Lake County
19351 W. Washington Street
Grayslake, IL
November 5, 9am-5pm
at Clyde Jordan Senior Citizen Center
6755 State Street
East St. Louis, IL
November 11, 9am-5pm
at the Quad at Dominican University
7900 W Division St.
River Forest, IL
For more information contact: Cindy Schaarschmidt at 312.427.2533(x20) or
CSchaarschmidt (at) afsc.org
Friday, October 27, 5:00pm
Event: Talk by Iraq Veterans Against the War
Students for Social Justice (S4SJ) at UIC, together with Chicago Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) invite you to hear speakers from Iraq Veterans Against
the War. This event is part of the UPRISE Tour.
Location: Room 613 at Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted
Saturday, October 28, 7:00pm
Event: Benefit Concert for Christian Peacemaker Teams
The Concert will feature:
Chuck Nuefeld: folksinger, songwriter, story-teller and pastor of Community Mennonite Church.
Karin Redekopp Edwards: phenomenal classical concert pianist, Wheaton college piano professor.
Dave Martin: peace activist, director of WSFPC, performer of songs for peace and social change.
Ben Gac: Baritone vocalist, sings with Chicago Symphony Chorus, graduate of Wheaton Conservatory of Music.
Location: Lombard Mennonite Church, 528 E. Madison St, Lombard
Contact: 630-627-5310
Saturday, October 28, 2:00pm
Event: Free Screening and Discussion of `Invisible Ballots'
A discussion on how electronic voting and counting machines have been hacked and used to steal elections and whether these machines should be used in Chicago
and Cook County. Sponsored by Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice.
Location: Albany Park Public Library Branch at Kimball & Foster
Contact: 773.250.3335
Sunday, October 29, 2:00pm
Event: Free Screening of Orwell Rolls in His Grave
The documentary Orwell Rolls in His Grave examines the power of the media to control our lives. The film is part of a series co-sponsored by the Oak Park
Coalition for Truth & Justice and the Oak Park Public Library.
Location: Oak Park Public Library, 834 Lake Street
www.opctj.org or 708/668-7945
Monday, October 30, 6:30 pm
Event: Welfare and the War on Women
Join the News and Letters Committees for their discussion of `Welfare and the War on Women' with community activist Agnes Watson as the featured speaker.
Location: News and Letters Library, 36 South Wabash, Room 1440
arise (at) newsandletters.org or 312 236-0799
Wednesday, November 1, 5:30pm
Event: Citizens for Lake Safety Hearing
The United States Coast Guards has announced plans to turn the Great Lakes, the world's largest body of fresh water, into the world's largest fresh water
shooting range. Please join and attend one or more of the nine public hearings that are scheduled. Anyone can testify. Tell your government how you feel!
Location: Genessee Theater, 203 North Genessee St., Waukegan
Thursday, November 2 and Friday, November 3, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Event: Mapping Illinois Communities: An Introduction to GIS and Community Analysis Workshop - One Day Workshop
This fast paced, hands-on workshop teaches the fundamentals of how to use a Geographic Information System (ArcGIS 9.1) in a way that is particularly relevant
to social service providers, planners and researchers. Participants learn to make thematic maps of their community, geocode addresses and perform spatial
queries and analysis. Participants also learn to extract and map Census variables such as race, poverty, language, education, health and many other demographic
variables. Exercises are designed for beginners. Intermediate Excel skills required. Each students is assigned a computer on which to work for the day.
Fee: $399 Checks, Credit Cards and Purchase Orders Accepted
Location: MicroTrain of Chicago 200 W. Adams St., Suite 410
www.newurbanresearch.org, 877.241.6576
Friday, November 3, 3:00pm
Event: A panel discussion with Yonatan Shapira and Bassam Aramim
Please join Combatants for Peace representatives Yonatan Shapira and Bassam Aramim for their panel discussion on "Alternatives to Wars in the Middle East".
Yonatan Shapira is a former Captain in the Israeli Air Force Reserves and Bassam Aramim is a former member of Fatah.
Sponsored by Loyola University Chicago departments of Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Theology and Peace Studies. U.S. tour organized by Faculty for
Israeli-Palestinian Peace (
Location: McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall, 1015 Sheridan Road at the Lake, Loyola University Chicago
*** Sponsored by AFSC ***
Saturday, November 4 - Saturday, November 18, 2006
Olive Harvest Delegation to Israel/Palestine
Join American Friends Service Committee and Interfaith Peace-Builders this fall to travel to Palestine/Israel. Your participation as an eyewitness to the
situation will enrich your understanding of the conflict and empower your work back in the U.S.
The delegation provides an excellent opportunity to participate in the Palestinian olive harvest season - generally a time of great community activism, where
people of all ages from Palestine, Israeli peace and justice groups, and international groups join farmers as they reap their harvest. In addition to
expressing solidarity, participants in the delegation will learn about obstacles that impact the harvest. Delegates will also confront and analyze the US role
in the conflict and wrestle with ways to translate your experience to others when you return home.
For more information on the delegation, what it offers, and how to apply:
Saturday, November 4, 4:00pm
Event: Teaching a Culture of Peace and Justice
Practitioners and scholars discuss the challenges of teaching peacemaking, justice, and human rights. Participants include Kathy Kelly, founder of the Voices
in the Wilderness movement against Iraqi sanctions in the 90's (work that resulted in a Nobel Peace Prize nomination) and now co-coordinator for Chicago-based
Voices for Creative Nonviolence; Shayna Plaut, human rights instructor at Columbia College and former director of Amnesty International USA Midwest Region's
Human Rights Education Program; and Louis Silverstein, former Dean and current professor of liberal education at Columbia College Chicago.
Presented in partnership with the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs. Event is part of the Chicago Humanities Festival.
Location: Chicago Cultural Center Claudia Cassidy Theater 77 E. Randolph St.
Saturday, November 4, 1:00-9:00pm
Event: Albany Park Community Forum Open House
The Mexico Solidarity Network invites you to the opening of the Albany Park Community Forum. A free community space offering various classes and public forum
as well as a space for you to do organizing work for free.
Location: Albany Park Community Forum, 3460 W. Lawrence
corry (at) mexicosolidarity.org
Sunday, November 5, 2:00pm
Event: Screening of Darwin's Nightmare: A Globalization Tale About Humans, Fish, and Weapons
Free with refreshments. Discussion following. Sponsored by Neighbors for Peace.
Location: Evanston Public Library, Church & Orrington, near the Davis stop on the Purple Line
www.neighborsforpeace.org and
Tuesday, November 7, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Event: WHPK Radio's Election Coverage
Join Mitchell Szczepanczyk from The Ministry of Truth and Mario from News from the Service Entrance for a unique look at one of the most important elections in
US history with live coverage from across Chicago and around the US .
Location: WHPK 88.5FM Chicago
Wednesday, November 8, 7:30pm
Event: Stacy Mitchell: Big Box Swindle.
Join Local First Chicago for Stacy Mitchell's talk on `The True Cost of Mega-Retailers and the Fight for America's Independent Businesses'. In her deft and
revealing book, Stacy Mitchell illustrates how mega-retailers are fueling many of our most pressing problems, from the shrinking middle class to rising
pollution and diminished civic engagement.
Location: Women and Children First, 5233 N. Clark
Thursday, November 9, 7:00pm
Event: A Forum with Hamid Dabashi
Please join the Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism for a forum on `Defending Civil Liberties and Resisting the Empire' with Hamid Dabashi. Moderated by
Joleen Kirschenman, including a special presentation by Iranian feminist Golbarg Bashi and activist Andy Thayer.
Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York. Iranian-Swedish feminist
Golbarg Bashi, a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York, has tackled areas of academic inqiury that include human rights, prevention of torture,
Black and Third World feminisms.
Cosponsored by DePaul Students Against the War and the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism.
Location: DePaul University, Monroe Hall, 1st floor, 2312 N. Clifton Ave
www.ccawr.org or 773-209-1187
Thursday, November 9, 7:00pm
Event: Talk by Joel R. Finkel
Joel R. Finkel, a long time political activist who is on the Steering Committee of "Not in My Name," a predominantly Jewish organization dedicated to seeking a
just peace between Israelis and Palestinians, will talk about The Middle East - Past and Present. Sponsored by The McHenry County Peace Group.
Location: McHenry County College Conference Center, 8900 US Highway 14, Crystal Lake, IL
Contact: 815 206 0224 Nelson Borelli,
n-borelli (at) northwestern.edu,
Friday, November 10, 7:00pm
Event: Talk by Hamid Dabashi and Golbarg Bashi in Evanston
Professor Hamid Dabashi is speaking on the "Culture of Imperialism". Ms. Golbarg Bashi will address "Iranian Women and the Impact of a Possible War".
Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York. Iranian-Swedish feminist
Golbarg Bashi, a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York, has tackled areas of academic inqiury that include human rights, prevention of torture,
Black and Third World feminisms.
Cosponsored by Department of History Northwestern University and Neighbors for Peace.
Location: Northwestern University, McCormick Institute of Technology, Lecture Hall 2, 2145 Sheridan Rd, Evanston
Saturday, November 11, 2:00pm
Event: Talk by Susan Nathan
Based on her experiences living as the only Jew among Muslims in Northern Israel, Susan Nathan wrote `The Other Side of Israel: My Journey Across the
Jewish/Arab Divide'. In it, she examines the history and the present-day political and cultural currents that have created a situation little recognized in the
ongoing debates about the future of Israel and the Middle East.
Sponsored by Not In My Name/Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago.
Location: Lincoln Park Public Library, 1150 W. Fullerton
info (at) nimn.or or 312/409-4845
Sunday, November 12, 11:30am-4:30pm
Event: Fair Trade Fair
Just and living wage will benefit Chicago women and international folks whose handmade items will be sold at this fair trade event. Handmade paper, soaps,
household items, jewelry, Christmas ornaments and nativities will be available. Children's games that teach sharing and cooperation as well as Equal Exchange
coffee and chocolate will be available.
Location: Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin Ave., Naperville
Contact: 630-355-1834
Sunday, November 12, 2:00pm
Event: `Free Screening of Llaguna Bridge: Keys to a Massacre'
This documentary features images, testimonies and facts by filmmaker Angel Palacios relating to the Venezuelan coup d'etat of April 2002. The film unmasks the
conspiracies and plots leading up to the so-called massacre at the Llaguno Bridge. Palacios explores how the Venezuelan media twisted facts and news reality to
blame the massacre on President Chavez. This work also shows how the people defended themselves against the Caracas Metropolitan Police who helped execute the
attempted coup d'etat.
Location: De Paul University, Schmitt Academic Center, 2320 N. Kenmore, Room 154
Contact: 773-376-7521
uscubachi (at) hotmail.com
Sunday, November 12, 2:00pm
Event: Free Screening of "Breaking the Silence" and Talk by Two Former Israeli Defense Forces Soldiers
In this documentary film screening and talk by former IDF soldiers Yehuda Shaul and Dotan Greenvald, "Breaking the Silence" Shovrim Shtika examines the
devastating emotional price being paid by IDF soldiers during service in Gaza, Hebron, and Bethlehem, and after discharge.
Sponsored by the Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine.
Location: Oak Park Public Library, Veterans Room, 834 Lake St., Oak Park
JustPeace1 (at) aol.com or 312/427-2533x19
Wednesday, November 15, 7:00pm
Event: Conscientious Projector Presents Iraq for Sale
Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of
profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision
makers who allow them to do so. Brave New Films.
Location: Wellington Avenue UCC, 615 W. Wellington Ave., Chicago
Contact: Pam Richart, 773.989.3346
Wednesday, November 15, 7:30pm
Event: Lecture by Ali Abunimah
As part of the lecture series, "The Search for Truth and Justice in the Middle East," hosted by the Center for Middle East Studies, Ali Abunimah will speak
about the current situation in the region, as well as read from and discuss his book, One Country. There will be a book signing after the talk.
Location: North Park University, Hamming Hall, Foster and Kedzie Avenues.
*** Co-Sponsored by AFSC ***
Saturday, November 18, 2:30pm
Event: "Voices of the Palestinian Struggle: Using Creative Nonviolence to Resist Occupation"
Please join the Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine and AFSC for a talk by Mohammed Khatib and Firyal Abu Haikal. Mohammed Khatib has been a
principal organizer of the village of Bil'in (in the West Bank) during its year-and-a-half- long, creative, nonviolent struggle to prevent the construction of
Israel's Wall on land expropriated from the village. Firyal Abu Haikal recently retired after 11 years as the headmistress at the Kortuba School in the heart
of Hebron's old city.
U.S. tour organized by the International Solidarity Movement.
Location: Maze Branch Library, 845 S. Gunderson, Oak Park
JustPeace1 (at) aol.com or 312/427-2533x19
*** Co-Sponsored by AFSC ***
Sunday, November 19, 7:00pm
Event: El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe
The Arab American Action Network presents El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe, a stunning dance group widely recognized as playing one of the most
significant roles in reviving and reinvigorating Palestinian dance and music folklore.
Ticket prices: $25, $50, and $100
Location: Center for Performing Arts, Governors State University, 1 University Parkway, University Park
Contact: 773.235.2222
The Peace Museum is working on an endeavor "PEACE 2005". ?The museum will be offering patrons the opportunity to donate a peace crane to honor a friend, loved
one or colleague. Peace cranes will be suspended from the ceiling in our gallery, creating a colorful wall. The 1000 colorful cranes will create a "wall of
hope" for peace in 2005 in our gallery. Once we accumulate 1000 paper cranes, we will send the cranes to a hospital in Iraq. This will be a symbolic gesture to
the Iraqi people to demonstrate that we share in their wish for peace. Peace cranes may be purchased online by visiting
www.peacemuseum.org and clicking
the membership button.
Thursdays, 12:30 - 1 pm- End the War, Bring the Troops Home Now
Central Avenue at Port Clinton Plaza, downtown Highland Park
Contact: 847-432-9411
Thursdays, 5-6pm - Artist C Drew gives away free hand-printed peace patches and passes out his "Peace Personified" (TM) series fliers with news of coming peace
protests and or other peace related events. Often he prints peace patches right on the spot. Help bring back the peace sign - pickup a free peace patch.
In front of Blue line El stop at Milwaukee, North and Damen.
Conact: 773-561-7676,
cdrew (at) c-drew.com,
Thursdays, 7:30 pm- Evanston Neighbors for Peace Weekly Meeting
806 Ridge Avenue, Evanston
1st Thursdays, 6:30-8am - Families for Peace Vigil
Call for just and responsible withdrawal from Iraq. Signs provided.
Northeast corner of Arlington Heights Rd & Northwest Hwy in Arlington Heights, IL.
wrcpeaceproject (at) aol.com
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7pm - OPCTJ planning meetings
Topical discussion, first hour of first meeting of each month
Oak Park Public Library, second floor book discussion room, 834 Lake St., Oak Park
Contact: 708-668-7945 (recorded info/leave message),
contact (at) opctj.org,
Fridays, 4:30 pm- Vigil for Peace & Witness Against War
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, 820 S Damen
3rd Fridays, 7pm- End the Occupation-N. Illinois: Potluck/Program
Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin, Naperville
The potluck and program are followed by by a vigil on the Washington Street Bridge in Naperville on the following Saturday from noon to 1pm.
1st Saturdays, 10:00am - Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice Meeting
Highland Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Ave., Elgin, IL
Contact us at 630-618-6631 or go to
www.fvc4pnj.org for more information
Saturdays, 2-4 pm- Northside Peace Gathering
Logan Square, Kedzie & Milwaukee Avenue
Sundays, noon- End Israeli Occupation of Palestine Vigil
Water Tower Park, 830 N Michigan
Contact: Not In My Name,
Sundays, 1:30-3:30 (unless other antiwar demos are taking place)
Activists from various groups join together to remind that war is terror!
In front of the Chicago Art Institute on Michigan Avenue
nowarforempire (at) yahoo.com
Mondays, 6 pm- Iraq Peace Pledge
2502 W Division
Mondays, 6:30 pm- A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Meeting
No Exit Cafe, 6970 N. Glenwood
Contact: 773-878-0166
1st Mondays, 7-9pm- Fellowship of Reconciliation (Chicago)
1st United Church, 848 Lake, Oak Park (rear entrance, upper level)
Contact: 847-256-0456
Tuesdays, 6-7:15 am- Anti-War Vigil
Corner of Sheridan & Hollywood, St. George's Greek Orthodox Church
Contact: Laurie Hasbrook, 773-878-3815,
laurie (at) vcnv.org,
Tuesdays, 8-9 am- Silent Vigil Against War & Racism
Chicago Federal Building, Jackson & Dearborn
Contact: 312-641-5151
Tuesdays, 7 pm- Logan Square Neighbors for Justice & Peace
Grace Church, 3325 W Wrightwood
Contact: 773-252-9956 or
g.henninger (at) comcast.net
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7 pm- Hyde Park Committee Against War & Racism
University Church, 5655 S University
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm- South Siders for Peace Weekly Meeting
Beverly Unitarian Church, 103rd & Longwood
Wednesdays, 5:30-6 pm- Women in Black Silent Vigil
Fountain Square in Evanston
katiejean (at) boxobjorn.com
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30pm- Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CCCLR) Meeting
Working for an Illinois resolution against the Patriot Act
1325 S. Wabash, Suite 105
Contact: Brent Mesick at
brentmesick (at) yahoo.com
Last Wednesdays, EPF Volunteer Night!
7:15 pm light supper, 7:30-8:30pm volunteer work. Please let us know if you're able to make it so we'll have enough food. ?
At the Grace Episcopal Church, 637 S. Dearborn.
Phone: 312-922-8628, Fax: 312-922-8637,
epfnational (at) ameritech.net
Don't miss out on any of the exciting peace and justice events in the Chicagoland area -- subscribe to the Chicago Peace Calendar today! Sign up at
list.afsc.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago-chi or email
lists (at) peacechicago.org with "subscribe" in the subject line.
Your support makes it possible for AFSC to provide services like the Chicago Peace Calendar and the Chicago Peace Alert
Your contributions to AFSC make it possible for us to maintain our success.
Events should relate to peace and justice issues in the Chicagoland area.
Please submit your listing to
peacecalendar (at) afsc.org in the following format:
DATE (or note if it is a weekly event) and TIME
EVENT: Title and brief description of event, 1-4 lines. Please be as concise as possible.
LOCATION: Be sure to list address or intersection, and city. 1-2 lines.
CONTACT: telephone number and/or email and/or website. 1-2 lines
Thanks for your participation!