LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Civil & Human Rights : Gender & Sexuality : Miscellaneous : Women's Issues
Alternative Birth Panel - 11/18
For centuries our culture has been moving away from traditional, woman-centered birth, and toward medicated births in hospitals, with an ever increasing rate of Cesarian section. But a new movement is helping women find the options that allow them to truly connect with their infants and themselves, without the interruptions of a medical birth.
A natural childbirth can vary according to the desires of the parents, but in order to make the choice that's right for you, you must know your options. Organized by Pomegranate Radical Health Collective, this panel of speakers will explain the role of doula and midwives in childbirth, birthing options such as homebirth or waterbirth, and how to choose a practitioner that suits your needs.
Welcome to people of all genders, sexual
orientations, and birth histories.
Wheelchair Accessible
Featuring Speakers:
Kathy Puls: Independent and experienced Certified Nurse Midwife for over 34 years, speaking about the role of midwives.
Ami Burns: Doula & childbirth educator, creator of the documentary "Mothers and Babies: Lesbians Creating Families.” Speaking about the role of doulas.
Gayle Riedmann: An Oak Park Certified Nurse Midwife attending waterbirths, with over twenty ears of experience. Speaking about waterbirth.
Jennifer Gagnon: A certified nurse midwife from A Woman's Place Birth and Health Resources, an independent nurse midwife practice experienced in home and hospital birth. Speaking about homebirth.
Karen Laing: Experienced childbirth educator and founder of Birthways, a labor support and postpartum doula group in Chicago. Speaking about how to find a practitioner that's right for you.
When: Saturday, November 18th at 2:30 pm
Where: Roosevelt University: 420 S. Michigan Ave | Room 306
Cost: Free (Donations Accepted)
Pomegranate zines and merch, and light refreshments will be for sale.