Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

First annual Great Lakes Region Chicago-based Hackmeeting!

From their wiki: Calling all free-wheeling free-information free-reproductionistas!

Attention to the hackers who love the streets!

Activists that just want to share resources!

Militant media makers in search of free and open access to knowledge and ideas!

Develop the first annual Great Lakes Region Chicago-based Hackmeeting!

Give and goto presentations on Free and Open Source Software, workshops on independent media, hacktivist skill shares, share socially engaged art projects, brainstorm and develop an agenda for the technological support of radical social movements in the Great Lakes Region and beyond!
We're one day in to the first annual great lakes regional hackmeeting, but it's not too late to get involved. Pilsen's newly launched dai5ychain local network, hacklab and media/arts venue is the scene of the hackmeeting.

I only had liberty to attend for the afternoon on the first day, but the quality of presentation, discussion and attendees is deep, grounded and set for a transformation of chicago and the midwest starting with the most local of actions.



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