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Chicago Indymedia

News :: Animal Rights

Nobel Awards Funder of Butchers

Nobel has awarded inflicters of pain on lab
animals, war criminals, and this week
the funder of enslaved animal agriculture
Nobel Awards Funder of Butchers

With money derived from weapons sales, Nobel which has for years
awarded those who inflict pain
on captive lab animals this week
and to war criminal Henry Kissinger
gave the Nobel Peace Prize to
a Bangladesh banker who facilitates
animal slaughter by funding the purchase
of captive chickens and cows in order
to steal their eggs and milk and
then ultimately to slaughter them.

In so doing, Nobel praises those who are a factor
in frequent Bangladesh flooding. Bangladesh
needs fruit trees and vines whose roots hold
water and prevent flooding, not animal agriculture
which deforests.

Nobel is linked with the Norwegian
government and its policies of
whale slaughter. seal clubbing,
and fish suffocation.

Many organized religions are involved in systematic slaughter of
animals, from Catholic hospitals which vivisect to Jewish kosher
factory farms to Quakers collecting money from the baby animal kidnappers
of Heifer International.

God stop Diebold, ESS, Sequoia Pacific, Triad 'voting machine'
companies, 'pollster' election
theft, violence, bribery.
Return the
US to the status of democracy now.
Foil any attempts of anyone to
wage war.



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