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BTL:Many in US Believe Decline in Gas Prices is Product of...

..Pre-Election Manipulation~Interview with Greg Palast, BBC-TV investigative journalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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Many in U.S. Believe Decline in Gas Prices is Product of Pre-Election Manipulation

Interview with Greg Palast, BBC-TV investigative journalist, conducted by Scott Harris

Public opinion polls reveal that Americans rank the Iraq War and terrorism as the most important issues facing the nation as the midterm congressional election nears. But the U.S. economy often trumps other concerns, rewarding incumbents when jobs and wages rise, and punishing those in power when the economy stagnates or declines.

After record high gasoline prices earlier this year, Republicans hope a recent drop in the cost of fuel will diminish voter anger on at least one extremely negative issue for the GOP, who are campaigning to maintain control of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate this November. The average price for a gallon of gas around the U.S. is now about $2.35, down from $3 or more this summer.

Energy analysts attribute the sharp decline in gas prices to the current oversupply and decreased end of the summer demand. But a recent poll found that many Americans believe that politics and the coming election has played a crucial role in the fall of gas prices. A Gallup poll, released the last week of September found that 42 percent of Americans surveyed agreed with the statement that the Bush administration "deliberately manipulated the price of gasoline so that it would decrease before this fall's elections." Fifty-three percent of those surveyed did not believe the premise; 5 percent said they had no opinion. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Greg Palast, BBC-TV investigative reporter and author of the new book, "Armed Madhouse." Palast lays out the facts which he says supports the belief that politics is playing an essential role in declining gasoline prices in advance of the November election.

Related links:"Many Americans look for political manipulation as gasoline prices plunge," USA Today, Sept. 25, 2006

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