Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Oct 5 in Chicago

Not a day day, all in all

Earlier estimates from the cranks and trolls are way off, guys.

I'd say 1000 to 1500, mostly young, from a variety of high schools and colleges. One contingent of a dozen or so, from Cabrini Green. More diverse than usual. At the noon rally, about 100 or so older folks from CAWI and its suburban allies--maybe more came later.

The rally in the park was upbeat, not too long, with a good range of speakers and poets. It should get some decent press, since it had all the visuals and soundbites, and the crews were there.

I had to leave shortly after gathering in the Plaza, but the march to it was spirited, and the bystanders very friendly, on the whole. So I can't report on the afterwork turnout.

What was interesting was the overkill in security from the Ninja Tutles and cops generally. They must have got some new homeland security grants to use us for training or practice for future, larger insurgenices, and try out new stuff. Very effective and tight crowd control on their part, and deserving of some study on ours.

Some folks were noticable by their absense, which would be fine if they were focused on doing something else. But to snipe from the sidelines while sitting on your butt isn't very cool or helpful.

All in all, it was a good day. Some WCW folks may be disappointed at the size when measured by their pre-event hpye, by this may be balanced by the scope of the thing, spread over 200 towns and cities.

Anyway, I'm attaching I few pix of mine so you get an idea...



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