Howard Zinn is most famous for telling history from the bottom up, replacing the focus on powerful white men to people from all segments of society. He has written numerous books, including the national best-seller A People’s History of the United States. He has been a tireless advocate for social justice for decades, playing especially important roles in the Civil Rights Movement and anti-war movements. For more information on the amazing things Howard Zinn has done in his life, visit and
On October 17th, come see Zinn speak at Cahn Auditorium at Northwestern University. Cahn is at the corner of Emerson and Sheridan in Evanston.
The event starts at 7:30PM and is open to the public. Students get first access.
More details will come soon... If necessary, contact
nuprotest (at) with specific questions.
Sponsored by Peace Project, a Northwestern student umbrella organization consisting of Northwestern Opposing War and Racism, Students for Economic Justice, and The Protest magazine. Funded by Student Activities Fee.