Tickets are available now for the 2006 Annual Dinner of the National Lawyers Guild, Chicago Chapter.
NLG Chicago 2006 Annual Dinner
Honoring Michael E. Deutsch
Saturday, November 11, 2006
6:00 p.m.
Irish-American Heritage Center
4626 N. Knox
Chicago, 60630
On-site parking
Wheelchair accessible
Excellent food – catered by Haifa Café!
Halal meals available
Please reserve your seats today!
Call 312-913-0039 or
contact (at)
Tickets: $100
Law student tickets: $20
Tables: $750
Attorneys are encouraged to sponsor law students.
As with all NLG Chicago events, non-attorneys and activists are warmly invited.
This year, NLG Chicago honors National Lawyers Guild member Michael E. Deutsch for his long career as a people’s lawyer.
Michael has represented:
• Attica brothers,
• Puerto Rican Independentistas, and
• Political prisoners facing the death penalty or permanently locked down in control-unit prisons.
And Michael is currently defending a Palestinian-American victim of Israeli torture, indicted as part of the Bush administration’s so-called War on Terror.
NLG Chicago honors Michael for consistently using his energy and talent in support of the principles embodied in the Guild’s Constitution —
• To oppose racism and oppression in all their forms —
• To support those seeking political self-determination, and —
• To vindicate the simple demand for basic human dignity.
Please make checks payable to NLG Chicago.
National Lawyers Guild
637 South Dearborn
Third Floor
Chicago, IL 60605
contact (at)
Founded in 1937, the National Lawyers Guild supported the New Deal, assisted the emerging industrial labor movement, and opposed the segregationist policies of the American Bar Association and larger U.S. society.
During its 69-year history, the NLG has contributed to the continuing struggle for real participatory democracy, for economic and social justice, and against oppression and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, immigration status, class, gender, or sexual orientation.
Consistent with its commitment to ensuring fairness and equality for all people, the Guild admits law students, non-lawyer legal workers, and inmate legal experts ("jailhouse lawyers") as full voting members, on equal footing with attorneys.
The Guild elected its first African-American president in the early 1950s. The first woman president of the NLG was elected in the 1960s. The first non-attorney legal-worker president was elected in 1996.
NLG Chicago works on a variety of economic and social justice issues. We provide trained and vetted Legal Observers at demonstrations to deter and document police misconduct.
Members of NLG Chicago and other volunteer attorneys defended several hundred people illegally arrested en masse during the “M20” protest at the start of the illegal Iraq war. The legal team in the class-action lawsuit arising from that mass arrest consists entirely of NLG Chicago member-attorneys.
We have educated the public on the PATRIOT Act’s assault on civil liberties.
Working with the American Civil Liberties Union and the Chicago Council of Lawyers, NLG Chicago has provided pro bono representation to holders of non-immigrant visas, who were ordered to turn themselves in to the FBI or local police for “informational interviews.”
Most recently, local members have continued their involvement in the decades-long struggle to bring Chicago police commander Jon Burge to justice for torturing suspects in custody.
"…To the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests."