LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Clark & Addison. STAND UP AGAINST WAR next Four Tuesdays
Stand Up Against War
Protest Militarism and Imperialism
Next 4 Tuesdays 4-6pm (Oct. 3, 10, 17 & 24)
Clark and Addison
in the shadow of the Tribune's
ball Park!
As with it's cousin, Northside Peace
Gathering, these events are Free Form and
not connected to any political party or
group. They are open to anyone opposing
Militarism, Imperialism and their root
cause Capitalism. Bring a friend and a
sign. Extra signs are available.
Join us, or do "Something" somewhere,
sometime. But always remember,
"Silence is Consent"
Get Angry Get Active!
These protests are organized by mostly Northside Peace Gathering people along with a few friends/comrades who live/work in the area. It has been maintained by a few supporters of these actions that most people around the protest site are against the war. It will be interesting to see how people react. Support from passers-by has been overwhelmingly positive over the last four years. Be surprised, if this location is any different.
We are only committed to four weeks. If the protests go well and a few people join us, we hope this can become another ongoing mini-demo. Our longterm plans are to also start up a weekly protest on Ridge next to Senn High somtime in the not too distant future. And to restart and maintain the anti-recruiting protests, we have done at 2600 Addison over the last 21 months.
Thanks much to all thoses who have joined us at any of our protests over the last three years. More importantly, thanks to all those who resist the naked u. s. aggression. Kudos to the few dozen people that keep the 9-10 ongoing protests alive. We need these protests everywhere. Let's hope this one survives and in a short time, we can start another. If you are interested in any of these projects, please e-mail us or see us at one of our protests.
Northside Peace Gathering
every Saturday 2-4pm
Three Cornered Island Of Peace
Kedzie, Logan & Milwaukee Aves.
Sept. 30 Protest #218