LOCAL Announcement :: Peace
Bannering/Leafletting a Success
Join Peace Pledge Chicago to banner and leaflet against the war - Saturday, 10/7/06 at 3800 W. Irving Park Road from 1;00pm-2:30 pm . It's fun! We have an impact!
Peace Pledge Chicago has been leafletting against the war in the Middle East and to oppose U.S. funding for Israel every other Saturday since August, 2006. We have a huge banner that says Bush Lies, They Die. We pass out leaflets, talk to motorists and passer-bys. Because we have big signs that say Honk for Peace, we get many, many
positive motorists who fervently honk to show their opposition to Bush.
Today, a school bus of elementary school kids drove by and they said F*** Bush. We are handing out posters that say Bring the Troops Home to people who say they will post them.
We plan to focus our leafletting on the theme of: If a candidate won't take a strong anti-war position, tell them you won't vote for them.
It's fun, it's rewarding and it definetly has an impact.
Join us!
Peace Pledge Chicago