contact (at) nlgchicago.org
NLG Chicago member attorneys practice in many areas of the law.
The legal workers who staff the NLG Chicago chapter office will try to help you find the legal services you seek.
How It Works
When you call, please have a concise description of your reason for seeking legal services.
The legal worker will ask you a few clarifying questions without getting into the details of your case.
The legal workers will then spend a day or so seeking an available local member attorney practicing in the appropriate area of the law.
The legal workers will not promise to find you an attorney.
If an NLG Chicago member attorney is available to speak with you, the legal workers will get back in touch with you. You will have to call or email the attorney yourself.
We are sometimes able to refer non-local cases to NLG attorneys in other chapters.
Please remember that our legal workers staff the chapter office part-time, on a volunteer basis. We have no paid staff.
NLG Chicago legal workers will be courteous and professional, and will maintain confidentiality. They will not give legal advice or discuss fees.